Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I recently got an email from a reader about making comments on this blog, thanks for the heads up.  So I messed around with the settings and lost all the comments from the beginning of 2015.  So if you notice that you made a comment and it is no longer there, I didn't delete it, google + did that.  I can't get them back, my apologies.  I hope I have corrected the comment section and made it easier to comment.  I don't really know all the in's and out's of this blogging thing so please have patience with me.  I actually may never get it figured out completely.

We had a really good time with our friends at the BBQ joint I was telling y'all about yesterday.  The food was terrific and the visit with friends was even better.  We have been friends with them for over 20 years.  The last few they had been in another couple locations several hours away due to job changes.  We still saw them about twice a year for a very brief time when they would come to visit their sons that just happen to worship where we do.  This was really the first time we had been able to spend any length of time with them in that time frame and it was great to 'catch up.'  It was pretty much like they had never left.  The way it should be with great friends.  We are blessed by their friendship.

As promised here a couple photos of the Ipad cover I delivered Sunday.

It is a very simple design.  If you look at all the commercial covers sold they are pretty elaborate and have sever different ways of attaching to the Ipad.  This is basically just a piece of leather cut to size and is held in place by Velcro strips.  Also when the top is lifted it can be rolled to act as a stand.  This one has an elastic band that wraps around the concho to keep it closed.  It is only intended to cover the screen and offers no protection from drops.  Still trying to finish up the rifle bolt carrier.  The keeper strap is a concern.  I can't really get it sized exactly, I have no idea how the bolt handle will fit, mine is just a straight handle, others can be any sort of way.  I will just have to leave a little slack in it in case the one that it will be used for is different.  I don't think it has to be a tight fit, just enough to keep it from falling out.

It's turning off cold and damp again, but not quite as cold as last week.  No threat of ice or sleet which is just fine with me.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

That's a nice one! :-)

CenTexTim said...

Yep, works much better now.