Sunday, October 29, 2023

We're Back

We are back from Ruidoso, new Mexico.  Not all that far from home.  But I found out, I don't tolerate long drives much anymore.  Took a couple days to get over the sore back while there, and I'm still sore from the trip home.  But that allowed me to just chill out on the deck of the house we rented and enjoy the great view.  Below is a panoramic of the view off the back deck.  Click for an enhanced view.  The deck is actually straight, no bend in it at all.

We got a little rain one day but it wasn't significant.  So we stayed inside and I got involved in a board game with the Grandson.  We were able to run into town and try some food.  Another day the ladies wanted to shop around downtown and we went with them.  We offered the kids a hike to some petroglyphs but they weren't interested.  We did take a short drive up one of the mountains to a lookout monument.  With so much altitude, I found out all the walking I do was no match.  While I didn't struggle for air, my legs were like rubber.  Glad it was short.  This is a shot looking West, and as you can see a fire had devastated this area in 2016 but we could see until tomorrow.

One morning we woke to temps at 39*.  We actually enjoyed it after the Summer we had.  The ladies did bundle up since we didn't use a heater.  In the shots below, I have zoomed in on the mountain you can make out on the left side of the pano above.  I think it's called Sierra Blanca.  The first shot is the first day we got there.  The second is the 39* day.  Can you see what I think I see?  Snow?  Pretty cool for this flatland Texas boy.

We saw some wildlife, not a lot but these wild turkeys feeding below the deck were pretty cool.

And a few Elk with this one small bull were something I have never seen in the wild so this was pretty great although no bugling.

There was a little color in the trees which is always nice.  

All in all it was a good trip.  I guess it was a scouting mission for the future.  A little over 500 miles one way and I know I probably won't try that again.  They are already talking about another trip next September and have determined we will break it into two days to get there.  Doesn't sound fun right now with my neck and back still sore.

Happy Trails

Monday, October 16, 2023

Mom's Dog

F|YI-there will be no Post next week unless I get soemthing up later like Friday or Saturday but probably not.

Wow, the weather this morning.  Very cool.  We had 51* this morning.  I had to put on gloves for our walk this morning.  Walking the dogs requires my hands to be out of my pockets.  By the time I get home, my hands are hurting.  Yes, I'm a wimp.  But the cooler air is fantastic and the dogs loved it, got kind of spunky.

'K' has headed over to Mom's to be with her.  All weekend and before we have been dealing with Mom and her old dog.  She freaks out evertime it won't eat.  She doesn't get it that dogs won't eat some times.  But she thinks she is dying.  This time it turns out the dog was having distress breathing.  Vet was visited.  Turns out she has an enlarged heart and it pushes on her already compromised trachea.  Vet gave us a bunch  of meds to help.  Too many for her to dose her properly even with us laying them all out for her and making it easy.  She overdosed her on one and gave her none of the others.  The OD made her lethargic, more freaking out.  Vet visit today to follow up.  Prepared her for the inevitable.  My Brother took her and I don't know how that went but she has crossed the rainbow bridge with a little help.  Mom seems to be handling it much better than we could have guessed considering how attached she was.  Maybe it's the relief on not having to worry about the dog every second.  I don't mean to sound harsh, just trying to make this short as it could get very involved and I don't see a need to do that.  I am sure there will be some issues later with her grieving uncontrollably.  I can only pray.

Tomorrow I head over to the pain managment Doc.  He will hit me with an injection in my spine.  About where my shoulder blades are.  He says that will most likely help with my issue in my neck and shoulders.  He says nost tiime only one shot is needed.  Others maybe 3-4.  One in 2 million chance he messes up and paralyzes me.  And wouldn't you know it, my neck and shoulders have been better than I can remember in a long while.  It seems wierd to ge get pain shots when you have none.  But I do know it won't take much for it to come back.  I just avoid most things that causes a flare up.  Like sitting in from of this PC typing.  So I am going to say...

Happy Trails

Monday, October 9, 2023

Weather and Preparedness

The weather here has been spectacular.  So very pleasant.  Cool dry air with the temps barely reaching 80 but mostly in the 70s.  Sunday brought 58 for the first time since April and it felt sooo very good.  I felt comfortable enough to wear a tie to church for the first time in a while.  Today, Monday, it is getting a little warmer, 63 for a low and our walk was actually a little chilly for shorts.  It doesn't take much for my hands to get very uncomfortable and they did.  But I am not complaigning at all.  Our road trip we will take into even cooler temps.  They have been having temps about 15* lower there.  We whould see some fall color too.  Which really isn't a thing here.

We will begin prepping for our trip soon.  Making a list of things to do before we leave instead of leaving it for the last couple days and then last minute things.  I forget too many things when that happens.  It causes to much stress to do it like we did in our youth.  Something I decidedly try to avoid.  Plus, at my age, there are so many more things I have to add to the list to get done or remember to take with us.  At least it seems like it.

Shifting gears a bit.  Take this as a caution.  I see a lot of speculation and even out right predictions of things that will or might occur here due to the things happening in Israel.  In concjuction with what is happening at the border this heightens my awareness.  Let me explain very briefly.  I have seen many many reports from all sorts of sources about what is and has been coming across the border just 150 miles South of us for the past three years.  Among those that have been apprended and released are military age males, traveling solo, from countries that hate us and have said they will destroy us.  We live in the largest metropolitan area that is closest to the border outside of El Paso or San Diego, but I'm focusing on Texas where the border is longest and most are entering.  There are thousands of these illegal immigrants already here.  I'm not naive enough to think we are safe from nefarious activity.  Yes, we are on heightened awareness and other steps are being taken to protect ourselves.  It may be prudent for you to take some measures also.  These illegals have been moved into the interior all over the country.  Being aware and prepared may save your life or that of your loved ones.  I pray for our country.

Happy Trails

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Fall is Promised

We still haven't seen any hint of Fall but at least the temps have been in the mid 90s instead of 100+.  But they say that a cold front is headed our way and will finally bring some wide spread rain Thursday and Friday.  That will be glorious.  They also predict the highs for the weekend to be in the 70's with lows in the upper 50's.  I can hardly wait.  

'K' took my Mother to a cardiologist finally.  She had been told she should see one by her previous doctor.  The current doctor didn't think so but agreed to refer.  Once they were there she couldn't remember what she needed to tell him what she had been experiencing.  'K' didn't remember either but that is understandable with her trying to remember everything else for her and us.  Mom couldn't remember family history either.  Fortunately the doctor checked her out and found no issues and said she is the healthiest 91 year old he has ever seen.  This still might not be enough to keep her from obsessing over her heart.  Like most everthing she doesn't remember things correctly and has told us things she suffers from with her heart that I know good and well isn't anything she has ever had.  She has transposed some of her Mothers heart issues upon herself and claims her sister has the same things which we know she doesn't.  Unfortunately her memory and her reasoning ability has not improved.  I know it never will.  We have been forced to take precautions with her finances.  She agreed but she may not even remember which is actually a good thing.  She has a suitor.  He is my age.  It's more complicated than I feel comfortable sharing here.  Just know that she makes it difficult for us to be able to help.  

Soon we will head out on a week long road trip. The weather there will be much much cooler.  This Saturday when Son#1 comes to watch the Red River Shootout, we will talk about the details of the trip, i.e when we leave, route, etc.  We are all looking forward to this trip the closer it gets.  This is much needed.

Happy Trails