Wednesday, November 19, 2014


The title is not what it means in today's context.
Leatherwork, that's the word of the day.  Got almost everything completed for Kim's Open House.  Just finishing touches to add and then over to her so she can add her magic.  Hope there is time, lots for her to do still to get prepared.

Dropped off the pre-op prescriptions.  While there I was advised the pain med was improperly prescribed.   The federal law governing those type meds changed the day I saw the surgeon.  The Feds are making it much harder to get substance controlled pain meds.  Consequently if you need a refill, good luck.  You will have to make an appointment with the prescribing doctor, pay your co-pay and get your pain meds from him and pay for those.  Making it harder on the patient and more expensive by adding a doctor appointment instead of a phone call to the pharmacy.   At least that is how I understand it. 
The pharmacy contacted the doctor and they decided to prescribe them when I get released from the hospital.  I assume that since it will be from the hospital pharmacy it will be 10 times as expensive.  We will see, I may just have him write a proper one and take it to my pharmacy myself. 

There is also the pre-op testing of the blood.  I called the hospital lab a month ago and they told me that they would call me the week I was supposed to come in.  Guess what, no call yet.  I called twice yesterday, no answer and left voice messages.  They finally returned my call after hours.  Better than nothing.  Thursday 10 AM.  Also tried to contact my regular doctor.  Again, voicemail and no return call even though the voice on the other end promised a return call within 24 hours.  Nothing.  That one was not that important but will need to follow that one up before the end of the year.   

Is it really this hard for everyone to get a simple returned phone call?  This may not seem like much but this happens ALL THE TIME with my doctor.  I couldn't function as a person in my job knowing I had an unreturned phone call.   It would bug the snot out of me. 
I handled inquiries and complaints from the public and internally in my job.  It would have been so easy to use voicemail and never return a call, just because I didn't want to.  I never did that though.  Ever.  Every call, email or voicemail was answered promptly.  If you hate dealing with the public GET ANOTHER JOB!  No one seems to know what the word integrity means anymore. 
Oops, sorry rant over.  I am usually very patient in regard to how I treat others and the job they are doing, especially when it is serving me in some manner.  Much more than my sweet wife.  You don't want to make her angry due to your poor job performance.  They are just trying to perform a job, I tell myself and treat them as I would prefer to be treated.  Maybe too many years serving the public taught me that.  I probably tolerate too much at times.

It could always be worse....I need to listen to this more it seems.

Happy Trails.


Old NFO said...

Agree on the customer service/returning phone calls... sigh...

Terry and Linda said...

I agree! I find this world of automated phones hideous...and I've seen people in my own office (when I worked) just ignore the I know it goes on everywhere!
