Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Christmas Shopping

I see they started Christmas shopping early in Ferguson.  I wonder how much of the stuff 'liberated' will end up as Christmas gifts this year.  Probably none, selfish people don't give.

I simply don't understand the sort of mentality that is being displayed there.  Tear up your hometown and destroy your neighbors property and steal from the people that you shop from. 
All in the name of righteous protest, I call horse hockey.  Who in their right mind or has a normal semblance of reason does this sort of thing or even thinks it's justified.  These riots only justify what they are protesting, don't they get that?  Why should you be treated with respect when you do things like that.  You are just asking for a beat down by the police.  If you even support or condone that behavior you're as guilty as they are, you're part of the culture that thinks backwards, as if thinking is any part of the equation. 

Those that get their names in the press at every event like this are in no way trying to solve the problems they perceive and are just lining their pockets by accepting donations from those that are misguided or have a hidden agenda.  Their cause is ONLY the almighty dollar.  They quit caring about being right the first time they got a big donation and realized they wouldn't ever really have to work again.  They became professional racists, troublemakers and victims.  Our current divisive occupier of the white house is no better.  I submit that there would still have been some sort of civic disorder had they indicted that police officer.  The tensions were just to high to not explode some how. They have been preparing(egging it on) for it for months. 

These protestors don't want justice they want vengeance, misguide vengeance.  There is NOTHING about what is going on righteous.

On another note: Kim went and got her hips X-rayed today.  I assume we won't hear anything until the Doc reviews them.  Her Cedar Fever is still bad.  She is miserable but keeps on.  She is much stronger than me when feeling bad.  Chimney Sweepers can't get here until 12/16.  They don't schedule you first come first serve, it is by where you live so they can create an efficient route?  What?  I understand that but it will have been a month since we first contacted them and they NEVER returned a call as promised.

7 days to go.

Happy Trails.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Maybe Brown IS their poster child after all... Sorry Kim's not doing well.