Monday, January 18, 2016

Busy Week

Trying to get some leather done this week.  I have a couple wallets in various stages of completion.  This will take up some time this week.  Along with this I really need to get out and trim some dead wood and stray branches out of the trees.  This needs to get done this month.  We have Live Oak Trees all over our property.  Around 50 and all need something trimmed.  The urgency comes from the issue of Live Oak Decline.  This is a disease that infects the trees with a fungus that eventually strangles it to death.  It is introduced by some sort of beetle that becomes active in February.  They enter through wounds on the trees the way I understand it.  Cutting should not be done from February to late October in order to avoid infection.  The wounds/cuts also need to be treated with a dressing. 

This should be a huge task and will wear my butt out.  I will probably purchase an electric pole saw to help with some of that.  I have the old kind of manual pole saw, but for various reasons it has become more of a torture device than a tool.  I will probably opt for the battery powered one at Lowe's.  I was skeptical of battery power for this but the reviews are stellar for the one I am looking at.  Gas powered is much to expensive and the corded ones seem too unwieldy with the cord and the numerous trees etc.

We buried my cousin this last Saturday.  Her Mom is having a really rough time of it.  Kim will spend some time with her this week trying to ease her burden as much as she can.  Hard times for that family lately.

Not sure if I will have much to post here this week.  Have to get some of this stuff done

Things could always be worse.

Happy trails


Old NFO said...

That they could! Do what you can do, then take a break. We're old... We DESERVE a break! :-)

CenTexTim said...

I got a battery powered chain saw last year for trimming purposes. Works great - couldn't be happier with it. One thing I did is get an extra battery so I could have one charging while using the other. Otherwise you have to take a forced break every 30 minutes or so (not necessarily a bad thing, as NFO said).