Wednesday, December 3, 2014

0, Zero

Today is the day we head into town to get that rotten body part removed.  Then you don't have to hear about it anymore.  Well maybe a few things about the aftermath since I created this blog to document my cancer experience.  There will be things that I have to deal with for the rest of my life by not having a prostate.  Nothing insurmountable.  Some of those things would probably have happened eventually due to age etc.  Most of the pressing ones may resolve themselves anywhere from 6 months to a year after.  One of those thing is 'leakage.'  If it doesn't resolve they say they can fix that with additional surgery.  :(  Not good.   The immediate concern is just getting through this and then awaiting the pathology report to see if there is a need for further treatment i.e. chemo or radiation.

Early surgery time and it will last 2.5 hours.  They have told me I will have to stay one night.  Not sure when I will get back to updating this.  I scheduled this and the last post in advance.  Thanks for all the kind words, thoughts and prayers you have been so kind and generous with.

I'll check back to make sure all you kid's played nice while I am out.


Happy Trails.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Thoughts and prayers for a smooth surgery and quick recovery.