Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 4, 1836-Day Eleven-The Alamo

Santa Ana gathers his forces for a council of war.  It is decided that there will be no prisoners taken during the final assault.  The decision on when the final assault is to take place will be determined tomorrow.

The Mexican artillery is consolidated into two batteries and is moved to within 200 hundred yards.
The constant barrage has weakened the North Wall.  The chief engineer directed work parties throughout the night to strengthen the wall.

Remember the Alamo


Old NFO said...

And yet none of the defenders are giving up...

Randy said...

Old NFO-no, not that was know of. I find Travis and interesting study in this regard. From the things I have read about him, and the things he wrote, He seemed to know he would die here. Resigned to it, almost a death wish if you will, and at only 26 years old.