Monday, February 9, 2015

Intrusive Questions

Was visiting with a friend at church yesterday.  He is also our tax guy.  Interesting listening to him tell me about the issues he has to face this year.  What with obamacare coming in to full force, it is going to cause much more work for him.  Work he is not liking at all.  One thing he said was that this year would probably be the worst year ever for tax preparers.   The thing that bothered him the most was the invasive nature of the questions he now has to ask since the IRS is enforcing obamacare law now.  He said they were told they were going to learn more about their clients than they ever knew before, just plain intrusive.  Most of it in regard to your health insurance, whether you have it or not.  If you have someone prepare your taxes, be forewarned. 

He also was convinced that the media is doing a poor job of disseminating information in regard to obamacare and how much the fines are for those that haven't obtained insurance.  I don't understand most of that stuff but what he said seemed to me that a lot of folks are going to be shocked at how much they are going to owe.  It isn't the 90$ that everyone keeps talking about. 

Remember, congress had a chance to repeal this crap back when all the newly elected got installed in office.  Maybe when all this hits the fan, people will wake up to what is happening in this country.....Nah, I don't think so either.  We have gone to far and most are just to apathetic to care.  At this point I'm not sure there is anything that will wake us up.

Happy Trails....anyway

1 comment:

CenTexTim said...

"a lot of folks are going to be shocked at how much they are going to owe"

That's an understatement. The whole thing was designed based on the 'frog in a boiling pot of water' concept.