Monday, February 16, 2015

Do I Have Prostate Cancer?

That is a question most men don't even want to consider.  I know I didn't, but I didn't have any reason to think that anyway.  I had NO symptoms that couldn't be attributed to age.  Plus my PSA numbers were low.  Well within the SAFE zone.  The numbers did rise, gradually but were still very low.

If you didn't know already, I started this blog to document events and help me remember things as they occurred.  Why?  Because I got Prostate Cancer.

Even though the doctor told me there were no symptoms to Prostate Cancer, I have found out that isn't necessarily true.  At all.  I actually experienced some pain at one point that could very well have been a reaction to the cancer.  I learned this from a health professional.

Just what are the symptoms of Prostate Cancer?  Go here for the list.  While some of these may be attributed to other things like an infection or old age, it would be very wise to get it checked out if you never have.  I can't stress enough how much of a surprise mine was, even to the doctor.  No symptoms and low numbers does not guarantee you don't have it.  If you have questions about prostate cancer and the surgery, ask someone,  you can ask me also and I will tell you about mine.  But mostly you can read about it in my past posts.  I won't pull any punches, just what happened to me and what I was told, but I won't give medical advice.  Email me and we can keep it private.

Do yourself a favor and get that thing checked out....regularly.
It just may save your life.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Thanks for the reminder sir. And I'm glad you found it and are on the way to recovery!

CenTexTim said...

Ditto what NFO said - thanks for sharing.

FWIW, I've got 2 out of the 12 symptoms. My doc and I think it's nothing to worry about, but we'll definitely keep an eye on things.

Thanks again, and best wishes for your recovery.

Randy said...

Thanks for the kind thoughts and words. Glad yall are keeping up with your health.