Monday, December 18, 2023
Procedure Update
Monday, December 11, 2023
First Freeze? Procedure and Leak
The weather guessers predicted the first freeze of the season for our area this morning. Didn't happen where I am, not even a little frost. It's 40* here right now. Who knows when it will happen bit it's getting pretty late in the year. Sometimes we get frost and a freeze before a much of the area, sometimes we get none when others do. It's just the way it is living in the hills. But we still prepare all the tender outdoor plants anyway. The day we don't is when it does freeze. Then we have damaged plants that look pretty bad.
Tomorrow is my procedure on the nerves in my neck. Things like this don't usually bother me at all. This one does a little. Mainly because of the pain I will endure during and after. The doc assures me I won't like him very much once the local anesthetic wears off. It can take up to 4 weeks for the results to finally kick in. After the pain of the two tests I do get second thoughts. Even though they used a local it was pretty painful. For something that will only last 1-2 years, is it worth it to go through all that I ask myself. Especially when ibuprofen handles much of my pain. Then I have a night like I had last night where the meds don't do much good and I'm ready to get it done ASAP. I don't have a lot of pain other than when trying to sleep, so it's out of mind at those times. But after 20 years of this, it is wearing me down. So I tell myself to suck it up...I don't have to have it done again if it doesn't work out. There's always neurosurgery...
Did a little plumbing on a sink drain that needed replacing. We have those stupid cultured marble sinks and counter top that are all one piece. The sink on my side apparently has a small crack in the marble around the sink drain. So it leaks. I pulled all the parts out and got some silicone sealant to use to try and seal the leaky sink. It's working so far after 5 days. The alternative is replacing the entire counter top and two sinks. We aren't ready to do that. The parts of the sink drain gave me new gaskets so I'm hoping all that will last a while.
Happy Trails
Monday, December 4, 2023
Miscommunication and Christmas Decorations
Monday, November 27, 2023
Chilly and Upcoming Week
Monday, November 20, 2023
I just forgot to post last week. I got a little confused on what week it was and had already posted. Nope, wasn't too busy at all. Wish I could blame it on somethng like that but it's just a brain mur mur or something. Shrug.
And it almost happened today too. I got busy trying to get an inspection sticker for K's car. It expires this month which is just a few days away. Here in Texas you need one to renew your registration and get the appropriate sticker. It really serves no purpose other than inconveniencing drivers. It is a joke how the inspection is. Check lights, blinkers, brake lights, back up lights and wipers. Nothing else. In and out in less than 5 minutes at the place I use. They collected their 7 dollars and I was home. They used to be more stringent. And the inspectors hate it. The amount they collect isn't worth their time. There are quite a few states that have done away with inspections. The last two legislative sessions have had attempts made at abolishing it. There are more extensive arguments on abolishing it but I won't get into that here. I just wish they would cut it. So we (K) will head to HEB to get a new registration sticker when she heads out for groceries for the upcoming feast.
Thankgiving will be my Carne Guisada by popular vote. The Grankids wanted it and their parents agreed. We will also have a batch of King Ranch Chicken to accomodate the non-beef eater. Both are fairly easy to make. The Carne Guisada takes mostly just time in order for the beef to simmer long enough to get really tender.
Surprise of surprises my Mother says she will attend. I won't hold my breath but she didn't offer excuses like she has for the last 10+ years. She has pretty much become her old self for the most part ever since her dog passed. Although she loved that dog very much it caused her a lot of concern and worry, most of it unwarranted. It pretty much clouded her entire life. So this will be new territory so to speak with her coming and being around this many family members in my home. No, she has been here many time before but it's been a very long time and wasn't without Dad and her mental capabilities. Hopefully she will enjoy herself.
Happy Trails
Monday, November 6, 2023
Normal Routine Returns
Sunday, October 29, 2023
We're Back
Monday, October 16, 2023
Mom's Dog
Monday, October 9, 2023
Weather and Preparedness
The weather here has been spectacular. So very pleasant. Cool dry air with the temps barely reaching 80 but mostly in the 70s. Sunday brought 58 for the first time since April and it felt sooo very good. I felt comfortable enough to wear a tie to church for the first time in a while. Today, Monday, it is getting a little warmer, 63 for a low and our walk was actually a little chilly for shorts. It doesn't take much for my hands to get very uncomfortable and they did. But I am not complaigning at all. Our road trip we will take into even cooler temps. They have been having temps about 15* lower there. We whould see some fall color too. Which really isn't a thing here.
We will begin prepping for our trip soon. Making a list of things to do before we leave instead of leaving it for the last couple days and then last minute things. I forget too many things when that happens. It causes to much stress to do it like we did in our youth. Something I decidedly try to avoid. Plus, at my age, there are so many more things I have to add to the list to get done or remember to take with us. At least it seems like it.
Shifting gears a bit. Take this as a caution. I see a lot of speculation and even out right predictions of things that will or might occur here due to the things happening in Israel. In concjuction with what is happening at the border this heightens my awareness. Let me explain very briefly. I have seen many many reports from all sorts of sources about what is and has been coming across the border just 150 miles South of us for the past three years. Among those that have been apprended and released are military age males, traveling solo, from countries that hate us and have said they will destroy us. We live in the largest metropolitan area that is closest to the border outside of El Paso or San Diego, but I'm focusing on Texas where the border is longest and most are entering. There are thousands of these illegal immigrants already here. I'm not naive enough to think we are safe from nefarious activity. Yes, we are on heightened awareness and other steps are being taken to protect ourselves. It may be prudent for you to take some measures also. These illegals have been moved into the interior all over the country. Being aware and prepared may save your life or that of your loved ones. I pray for our country.
Happy Trails
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Fall is Promised
We still haven't seen any hint of Fall but at least the temps have been in the mid 90s instead of 100+. But they say that a cold front is headed our way and will finally bring some wide spread rain Thursday and Friday. That will be glorious. They also predict the highs for the weekend to be in the 70's with lows in the upper 50's. I can hardly wait.
'K' took my Mother to a cardiologist finally. She had been told she should see one by her previous doctor. The current doctor didn't think so but agreed to refer. Once they were there she couldn't remember what she needed to tell him what she had been experiencing. 'K' didn't remember either but that is understandable with her trying to remember everything else for her and us. Mom couldn't remember family history either. Fortunately the doctor checked her out and found no issues and said she is the healthiest 91 year old he has ever seen. This still might not be enough to keep her from obsessing over her heart. Like most everthing she doesn't remember things correctly and has told us things she suffers from with her heart that I know good and well isn't anything she has ever had. She has transposed some of her Mothers heart issues upon herself and claims her sister has the same things which we know she doesn't. Unfortunately her memory and her reasoning ability has not improved. I know it never will. We have been forced to take precautions with her finances. She agreed but she may not even remember which is actually a good thing. She has a suitor. He is my age. It's more complicated than I feel comfortable sharing here. Just know that she makes it difficult for us to be able to help.
Soon we will head out on a week long road trip. The weather there will be much much cooler. This Saturday when Son#1 comes to watch the Red River Shootout, we will talk about the details of the trip, i.e when we leave, route, etc. We are all looking forward to this trip the closer it gets. This is much needed.
Happy Trails
Monday, September 25, 2023
Hot Still
Monday, September 18, 2023
Weather Gets Cooler-Only the 90's
Monday, September 4, 2023
Dentist Again and Mom Doctor Visit
Monday, August 28, 2023
The Blessing of Rain
Monday, August 21, 2023
Trees Again
Monday, August 14, 2023
Mom Visit
I made a visit to my Mother last week. First visit in a couple months. It went well. I made sure 'K' was there with me. It helps the situation in that I am not the only one trying to have a conversation with her. But neither of us had much to say any way. Just like my posts here. There just isn't much going on lately. I was very surprised, almost shocked at how much weight she seems to have lost in that time. She says she weighs the same but you never know if she is remembering correctly. 'K' didn't notice, but not having seen her in a couple months it was very noticeable to me. She has a doctor appointment in couple weeks. Maybe we can get a true weight then.
The teenage Grands will spend next weekend with us. So the routines I am accustomed to will be disrupted. Two nights is more than usual. We will make the best of it.
I have been thinking about the DOJ appointing a special counsel to investigate the Bidens corruption. Normally I would think this is a great thing. But these aren't normal times. I don't trust or believe much of anything that comes from DC sadly. I wonder if there is a motive other than justice. Sort of a cover up, do the investigation and come up with nothing. Nothing to prosecute. Then the Republicans have nothng to go after them for. As if they would. I also believe that every one of the Republicans should be horrified at the persecution of Trump. If they are successful in their pursuit of him and getting him thrown in jail or something else that keeps him from running for President, they will be emboldened and every republican running for the office in the future will meet similar persecution. They have no intention of ever cedeing power again. Proof, just look at our border situation and all the future socialist votes coming in. Our government is broken.
Sorry to end in a down note but...
Happy trails
Monday, August 7, 2023
No Relief
As they say, There is nothing new under the sun. And sun we have an abundance of. August is traditionally the hottest month of the year in this part of Texas and it is showing that truth this last week and predicitions are for even higher temps this week. El Nino or Nina is having a big effect on us. Consequently not much gets done here and we don't really go anywhere except to church or to maybe get a bite to eat. The youngest Granddaughter will come today for a couple nights. Her Mom starts school today so she has her hands full and we are a distraction to the little one missing her. She loves to be outside here. We have to distract her with other things so we can stay cool.
Wouldn't you know it, the AC quit yesterday around 4 PM. I got a message on my phone from my thermostat that there was a power disconnect. I have no idea what I am doing with power but I did look in the AC closet and there was a red light on the moisture dector. That thing will cut off the AC when the drain tube gets backed up so it doesn't fry something important. The AC company showed me how to reset it so it would work again after the tube gets cleared out. The tube was not stopped up so I reset and nothing happened. I left it unplugged and within a few nimutes it started running again. Yahoo! I called the AC company and left a message so I could get them out to check it out. This was all Sunday. I just got off the phone with them and I explained what is going on. Since it's working and cooling they don't coonsdier it an emergency and can get someone out Friday morning. This is a very busy time for them. The person that called say they have a lot of people calling, mostly elderly with AC's that have quit. That is their first priority thankfully. If it stops again they will then consider it an emergency. Hopefully it stays on during this hottest week yet. At least the humidity has eased and it is bearalble to be outside for short periods. Praying for some relief from the heat and the drought.
Happy Trails
Monday, July 31, 2023
Monday July 31, 2023
The Doctor appointments have been put in the past. Still waiting on lab results, they should be in today, but you never know with this bunch. Curious about my blood A1C results. It tells how well I have been doing with controlling my blood sugars. I expect that to not be very good. It's been a struggle this last year. They have also scheduled me for an MRI on my neck(spine) due to all the issues I have with it. Once that is in it, will be sent to someone that will do the injections. The Urologist was pleased with my numbers and I should only have one more year for checking for return of prostate cancer. I am considered cured, but there is always a chance for return with cancer. I am grateful for what it is now. 'K' is at the Doc today for her annual. Hoping that all goes well for her.
The African dust has subsided. I am not convinced it is gone completely. Even the pups were coughing and sneezing last night. But we did go for a walk/exercise early this morning and there appear to be no ill effects. It was nice to get out despite it being pretty warm and the pups loved it.
Don't have much else, nothing has really changed with my Mom. Although she is complaining more (about everything) than before it seems. I need to go see her. It's been quite a while and the reasons I have talked about I won't go into again. I really don't look forward to seeing that 'look' in her eyes when she sees me. Having 'K' along relieves a lot of that so I won't go without her.
Happy Trails
Monday, July 24, 2023
Doctor Concerns
Heading out or a blood draw/labs in the next few minutes. At the doc appointment they expressed concern about some episodes I have had the last couple months that appear to be low blood sugar or dehydration. I am leaning toward dehydration. I just don't drink enough water and that's not good, especially for a diabetic. We dehydrate much easier than nondiabetics. When I test my blood at home the sugars are not low. But those meters are not super accurate.
I will also get scheduled for an MRI of my neck. I have three compressed disks that make it difficult to sleep. So we will probably look to get injections. They will use the MRI to determine where exactly. I don't know much about these injections and will need to learn more. But if it helps me avoid surgery it will probably be a go.
I will see the urologist tomorrow. I've already seen the blood results. No detectable cancer. Always good news.
Happy Trails
Monday, July 17, 2023
Same Ol' Same Ol'
It's that time of year that nothing really changes, especially the weather here in this part of Texas. Even the weather guessers talk about how the forecast never changes and are running out of new things to say. They will grasp at any hint of a shower to talk about no matter how slight the chances are this time of year. It's July and it rarely rains then. Of course there have been some exceptions and those will always happen.
And nothing much is going on with us either. Just staying out of the heat for the most part and running a very few errands. I do have a couple of appointments with my Primary Care Doc and my Urologist this week and next. This includes labs for each. There should be no surprises but then you never know for sure. It will be my yearly Wellness exam with the Primary care doc and I have a few questions to ask, so I have made a list. Turned 70 this year and it's like a switch was flipped on several bothersome things that I want to talk about, nothing major but I do want to talk about a heart issue. My diabetes has been harder to control since I had Covid last year. Numbers are rising and sensitivity to foods has increased. The appointment with my Urologist is a follow up to my prostate cancer 9 years ago. He also manages my 'T' levels. I think one more year and he will release me. Should be fairly painless.
I really don't have much else and this wasn't much either so I will say:
Happy Trails
Monday, July 10, 2023
Tires(again) and Tomatoes
Monday, July 3, 2023
A Little PEW PEW Practice...or So I Thought
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
It's HOT
We have had some record breaking heat in this area. I seem to keep saying that the last few years but it's true. In the city to my South they have had 5 straight days over 105 that broke records every day. Fortunately we haven't had those high temps. At times I find my thermometer 10 degrees lower, thankfully. I have my sensor in a new location I am trying out in order to get more accurate readings. I found out it had been in the direct sun for a few moments in the hottest part of the day. That certainly won't be accurate. We shall see how the new location works out. But it's not unusual at all for us to be much lower than in town or higher at times. It's crazy.
I have had an abundance of tomatoes lately out of the garden. Most are very huge. But I'm not sure I like those as much. The meat seems a little grainy. I managed to can 8 pints of tomatoes yesterday in order to keep them from going bad or 'K' giving them all away before I have had a chance. I will use them for the salsa I make. I don't have a canner so I use a process I found on utube. It worked great last year, not sure if it worked this time. I didn't hear the can lids popping when they sealed but with my ears that isn't surprising. 'K' said she heard something but didn't know what it was. I guess I will find out.
I will head over to Academy today and pick up some things that need to be replenished and maybe run by my Mother's for a quick stop. I haven't seen her in probably two months. I really can't tell you why but she gets a little off when I show up and it's better for her and me if I keep those visits few and far between. However she has started complaining to others I don't ever come by. It's a sad situation. I am not looking forward to it.
Happy Trails
Monday, June 19, 2023
Hot Weather and Tomatoes and Clearing Out Clutter
Been pretty hot here this past week. 102* Thursday evening about 6:30. An hour later it was down to 93. On top of that we have high humidity from all the rain we had in previous weeks. This heat will finally dry us out some and the humidity will drop. It's a two edged sword. These are pretty high temps here for this time of year.
The tomatoes are doing great. I have very big ones this year. Some new breeds (to me) since I couldn't find my usuals. We have more than a few waiting to be consumed. Well that is until 'K' gave most of them away Friday to the pest control guy and the neighbor that showed up with some herbs she wanted to share. I had planned on using them for salsa but no one asked me. It will be at least a week before I pick anymore. Then this heat will stop the development of more. A little too early in the year for that. They usually stop around July 4.
The battle against clutter continues. We moved on from the garage to my office that has been a catch all since the start of moving my Mother. Tons of photos are being sorted and boxed. We just need to find where we will store those, It WON'T be the garage. In the decluttering I have found some room in a small closet in my office. There are two other small closets in the hallway that I would prefer they move to. But 'K' says she decluttered those a couple years ago. You can gather a lot of clutter in two years is what I was thinking without saying it of course. It's funny how she has always said she has no problem throwing stuff out but I don't. She is right for the most part. I am pretty sentimental and keep things from my Grandparents. But most of the things she throws out are my things lol. She is really not interested in getting rid of all the left over components and beads (you have no idea) from her business. She has been out of that business since 2012. I think it's time. She has no answer, just that she is not ready.
Happy Trails
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Monday, May 29, 2023
Total Disgust
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Morning Routine Changes
With the weather getting warmer my 'schedule' is a bit off. I have been waking around 5:30 AM (sometimes much sooner) and will doze until 6 or 6:30. Usually pain will force me to get up sooner than I want. 'K' also will get up about the same time. She doesn't sleep well either and then there are the dogs that just wait for any movement or sign of life to jump on us. Once that happens any additional sleep will NOT happen. We have been taking advantage of the early get up times to get the dogs walked before the heat hits. Times for that will get even earlier as the heat increases. Not sure 'K' will tolerate walking before the sun rises like I have done in the past. I hope she does. It's been cool but also very humid. It's pleasant but we get pretty sweaty anyway due to the humidity that has been running 80-90%.
We have pretty much finished with the garage clean out. There is a lot more room but not near as much as I had hoped. With all the rain we have had I have been cutting the grass more often. And the Bermuda seed has been sprouting and starting to fill in bare patches of the yard. The deer seem to be eating some of it, the newer sprouts from what I can tell. Not a lot I can do about that. Way too many deer and I don't stay outside long enough to chase them off. I am thinking about getting one of those motion detector sprinklers to help keep them away. Not sure I want to spend 70$ for that.
The 4 year old Granddaughter will be here starting Thursday and will be here at least through Sunday maybe Monday. That is usually a good thing but we haven't had her that long before. But the parents have a show in Houston they need to be at and she certainly would not enjoy that while they work. We are happy to oblige, especially since Mom will be home from school for the Summer and we will get her less than usual.
Happy Trails
Monday, May 15, 2023
My Heart Breaks
Once again I find myself forgetting to write a post. I get busy with a chore or two and it keeps going for the better part of the day. Thus this blog gets forgotten. My foggy brain? Maybe. So what was I doing this time? Still working on clearing out the garage for the most part. I am making headway. A little at a time.
Hope all the Mothers had a great Mothers day. Ours was pretty quiet. We had gone over to Son#1's on Saturday. He grilled some steaks and we had a good time visiting. We came home after church on Sunday and ate some of my homemade enchiladas and not much else.
On that note, things have not gone very well with my Mother over the last couple weeks. I think her mental abilities have declined some more. She is now transferring memories, if that is what it's called. Things that actually happened but she insists it was someone else when it was actually her. And of course it's a very bad memory. It is heart breaking. 'K' is at the doctor with her this morning. She has not allowed anyone to go with her the last two visits. We don't even know what the doctor told her or med changes he prescribed or why. Then she will call 'K' and have her call the doctor's office to ask them what they told her to do. This time 'K' told her she would be there to go with her and there was no argument. I am not sure if she was even aware that she didn't let her go before. But we need to find out what he says/prescribes.
Happy Trails
Monday, May 8, 2023
Garage Clean Out
We have been cleaning out things in the garage lately. It is crammed full of things we don't or rarely ever use. That storage has hopefully changed. We have filled at least one of those 96 gallon trash cans with mostly things that were in the garage. There are still a lot of things that need to go. We work on one area at a time trying to free up space. We are seeing some progress. There is still much that needs to be tossed. This will take multiple days/weeks. Once the trash can gets semi full we stop in order to have space for our regular trash. And then it starts all over again. The real trick will be when we get to the shelves of things left over from 'K's' business. If we can make a big dent there we can proceed with other plans. No, I'm not picking on 'K,' I have my own share of things, tools and hardware I rarely ever touch anymore but I find very hard to turn lose. There will almost always be a need at one time or another for a tool or hardware to repair things around the house. But I am tossing some. Miter saws (the hand variety) a couple other hand saws I have never used and a few other things I still have not gone through. Especially random hardware. I am finding so much of that that was always saved for later then more was bought since I didn't remember I had it or couldn't find it. I am so bad about doing that. But the less I try to undertake now days. and hire it done, the less I need or collect these things. Hopefully.
I need to head out to the grocery and to Home Depot today. The plan for HD is not to buy anything I will have to store in the garage. LOL. I do need some root killer for my Septic System. I will try to find something other than the copper sulfate I have used in the past. I am not sure that doesn't degrade my concrete tank. The last time I had it pumped that there was a big Sulphur smell when they opened the lid. They had no idea why it did that but I remembered I had used copper sulphate numerous times previously. The concrete lid was brittle and fell apart and seemed to have a yellow cast to it. I will look for something different.
Happy Trails
Monday, May 1, 2023
Spectacular Weather
The weather here has been pretty great. Beautiful days. But it has been a mix with some rain. We missed getting much with the recent storms that saw some huge hail all around us but nothing but a sprinkle here. We did get a few more dead limbs from that freeze fall out of the trees from the winds. The big ones are still hanging on.
We drove up to Bandera to visit with some long time friends we don't get to see much. They offered to feed me ribs so I accepted. This is my SPECOPs friend that I learn a lot from. So down to earth for such a brilliant mind. You can't help but like him. And his wife compliments that. We don't get to see them as much as we like as he is so busy doing doctor stuff. The visit was great but we do get into talking about the things that bother us about how our world is going. We are of like mind in that regard. Neither of us stress too much about the things we can't control.
I've been pretty busy with minor chores around the house. This cool dry weather just increases my energy somehow. I start passing out on the couch even earlier than usual. But I feel pretty good for some one with so many health things being an issue. For that I am so very thankful and am reminded to give thanks in my prayers.
The youngest Granddaughter is here for a couple days and has been here off and on a little more than usual. Her Dad is at a show in Las Vegas promoting his self published works and with Mom a teacher it doesn't work out so well for a four year old. But we are glad to have her, she brightens things around here and makes us smile a lot. What a blessing she is and has been.
Things seem to be going OK for my Mom. We have no real idea how her doctor visit went since she won't let any of us attend. The transcript we wanted was useless. It didn't even list the appointment scheduled for today. Fortunately they call us as a reminder. She is going to this one today by herself also. We try to get her to write things down to ask the doctor about such as refills on meds etc. She can't really tell us anything about her visit or about the meds he prescribed. She absolutely doesn't want any of us there for those visits. So we have to just turn her loose for now, there isn't much we can do without stressing her out more and causing heartache. At least that is how it will go for now.
We are off to Costco with a huge list. Chaching $$$
Happy Trails
Monday, April 24, 2023
Nothing Much-Grass Seed-Garden
It has been pretty quiet around here, just mundane chores around the outside mostly. I have some Bermuda seed planted in the bad spots in the yard. It has finally made an appearance after almost 2 weeks. Thanks in part to the mixture of some rain and sunshine. However it is not as abundant as I had hope for. In the past all I did was broadcast it on the bad spots and watered it daily. I did the same this time yet results are not as prolific as previous. Evidently there is way too much dead matter above the soil for it to take root. I should have scarified the ground more than I did. Even though we have raked leaves multiple times, it appears to not be enough. And I certainly didn't do it after spreading the seeds. The instructions on the bag would have been a good place to start is seems. So I will wait a few weeks for the new sprouts to take better hold and go back with more seed along with the increased scarifying of the ground where the seed has failed to get started. I thought I knew what I was doing based on previous successful efforts.
The garden is doing pretty great. Tomato plants have gone into high gear with the rain/sun mix. Although it probably could be better but the weather has turned off cooler and cloudier of late. Onions are doing OK but my potatoes have exploded. They were sprouting within 3 days of planting. Last year it was more than 2 weeks. No idea why the change. I just plant 'em and give a little fertilizer and water and get out of the way. I hope this is an indication the actual potatoes will develop into larger ones this time. I used the gold variety again since the Russets last fall were a huge bust.
My Mother has a follow up doctor appointment today. She insisted on going alone this time. She apparently thinks 'K' or my Sister-in-law being there hampers things. Unfortunately she remembers nothing from the previous visits. She has not followed his previous instructions since she doesn't remember them and argues when she is told about them. Hopefully he can get her to understand why he wants her to do the things he prescribed. But she seems to be going in with a combative approach even though she remembers nothing but what we have told her. We have taken measures to hopefully get the transcript of her appointment so things don't go to far off the rails. Yes, he has someone record the visit. Smart man since he deals mostly with elderly.
'K' surprised me with a road-trip request. I was certainly not prepared. I can't blame her. We have been pretty much homebodies for the last 15 years and the stress of dealing with my Mother lately has added to the desire to get out of town. However the place/time she chose is not conducive to avoiding hot weather. I have offered a compromise for October. Inviting some family would add to the fun and giving them more time to plan make it more appealing. She thought that was a great idea. I gotta try to keep from sandbagging us, but I'm a planner and 'K' is more a spur of the moment type. I look at all the things that could be an issue, she looks at very few-just go and let things deal with themselves, I wish I could do that. How we ever get along is a wonder.
Happy Trails
Monday, April 10, 2023
On The Roof Again
Sunday with the family was good. Mom was a no show. When 'K' spoke to her Saturday she said she had no recollection of saying she would come. She was too tired to come.
Trying to catch up on yard work is the constant theme this time of year. Most of it is centered on raking and bagging a bajillion oak leaves. I usually let them lay and hit them with the mower. However, they are so thick and there is little to no grass after the brutal Summer and the 3 days of ice earlier this year. I just had to get down a little further so I can plant some grass seed on the bare patches. 'K' loves to rake and bag leaves, it relaxes her she says. Well OK don't let me stop you. Yes I help but she really does a lot of it. The big pile of firewood I got from all the broken limbs from the ice storm is finally making it's way to the back yard next to the other pile. I have easily filled one of those 4' wood racks and could fill another 2. This wood will need to cure before it's useable for fires or BBQ. I had to climb up on the roof and remove the oak leaves and tassels from the roof valleys. They get so full they can back up rain water under the shingles. I don't want that again. The tassels block the gutter covers and become useless. It's not an easy thing to do for a wore out 70 year old to climb up on that roof.
Not much else going on...yet.
Happy Trails
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Sold the Car and Easter
I got Mom's car sold to Carmax finally. So that is off my shoulders. Have you ever sold a car to them? I was a little disappointed in the final result. I used their online estimator that uses the VIN to tell then what the car is for the most part. There were a few of the bells and whistles they did not have so I added those that I knew of. I wasn't sure about some others. The reason for that is they are all electronic and the operating system was much harder for me to operate than it should have been. I didn't drive the car to try and find out all of those things. So I got a number from their website and they actually make an offer right then that is good for a week or two. I decided against accepting the offer in order for them to add any of the bells or whistles I wasn't aware. Naïve? maybe so. As it turns out it would have made no difference. Their in person estimator and the buyers have final say despite the online offer. A scam? Maybe not. I am sure there are plenty of folks that do what they can to bump the price offered by fudging a bit on things. I wasn't trying to do that at all. I just didn't know much about the car. There were a couple minor things they dinged us for anyway. Like a couple small dings in the door and a wheel that needed repair and some door panels that needed paint. I thought it looked almost prefect but then I didn't look as close with a trained eye to pick out every little flaw. I accepted their offer anyway, it was only 1500 less than the original estimate. The biggest thing is Mom raised no objection to the lower price.
I had to remove and install a faucet in the bathroom last week. We have a couple of Pfister brand faucets. With the very hard water we have I have to either replace or clean the aerators regularly. I didn't. When I finally got around to removing them, no can do. It broke since they all seem to use plastic ones now. It had cemented itself to the faucet. Pfister had previously sent me the replacement aerators. Since I could not remove the broken ones, they honored their lifetime warranty and sent me two new faucets. Good on them. However I still have to deal with the plastic 'recessed' aerators. I'll have to be more diligent.
We are gearing up to have the family over Easter to eat and let the kids hunt eggs. We always invite Mom and she always declines. She accepted! So we have been hard at work trying to get the yard more presentable since the kiddoes will be out running around in it. Coming up with what to eat has been a challenge all week. I think we have finally decided on King Ranch Chicken. I wanted to cook a brisket but the non-beef eater was an issue. She isn't from Texas is my explanation for that.
Happy Trails
Monday, April 3, 2023
Our 'Off Week' LOL
It was a fairly busy week this past week. Just catching up with things that had been left undone since we were so involved with my Mother's garage sale. I grilled a couple ribeyes for 'K' and I to celebrate. Three steaks and we got 3 meals out of them. I believe they were better than my favorite steak house we usually go to to celebrate. Even though they were expensive I think we got our money's worth.
April 1 Mom's house was move in day for the renters. No going back like she threatened once or twice. Actually this past week has been pretty good for her. It seems she is getting better adjusted and is wanting to get more involved. She has not been following the doctors orders on her new meds though. She read the insert and thinks she knows better than her doctor about what she needs. He wanted to wean her off valium onto this new med before having her memory test. Now that is delayed. She has always been a somewhat difficult patient.
Thanks to those that have offered prayers and encouraging comments on our dealings with my Mother. It is much appreciated.
I have the title to my Mother's car in hand and have made an appointment with Carmax for Monday. I will be glad to get that thing out of the driveway. I will need to clean it up a bit first. I don't think it has ever been vacuumed out so I will get that done and stop at the car wash on the way to Carmax.
I was trying to cut the back yard and the lawnmower just quit. No sputter, no cough just dead. Yet it would crank. I managed to find a neighbor on FB that does mobile repair. Perfect since I have no way to transport a lawn tractor. He showed up the same day I called him. Couldn't quick fix it like he thought so hauled it home to work on it in his shop. Turns out the carburetor needed to be replaced. Now it runs better than it did when I first got it. Got the yard cut just after he dropped it off.
This is getting long so I will save the rest for a possible midweek post.
Happy Trails
Monday, March 27, 2023
Garage/Estate Sale is History
We had the garage sale for my Mother's remaining things this past Saturday. Things went very well. Lots of customers and we were able to unload a lot of her things. Not a lot was made monetarily unless you count the furniture that was sold beforehand. Then it was very good. Today 'K' and my sister-in-law and maybe my brother are back over there packing up the left overs to donate. I will head over later if they are still at it when I finish with the pest control guy.
I also was able to find a neighbor that will come to your house and either fix your lawnmower or haul it to his shop. Mine died Friday and I was not able to get it started. He thinks it's a bad carburetor.
We are looking for a little down time this week since our time won't be consumed by finishing with Mom's things. I will most likely spend it working in the yard some more. The high winds we had last week knocked some more big limbs down that were broken during the past ice storm. There are still a few big ones up high I can't get to. I will just wait on those too. I have to cut those downed limbs up to dispose of what can't become firewood. There are a lot of leaves that need to be addressed from all that along with the usual Spring loss that Oaks have. I hope to also pick up some tomato plants and get them in the ground, most likely today if I am not needed at Mom's.
The stress of Mom's thoughts being all over the map is telling. That and the frustration of not being able to make her understand wears us out. I don't want some of the anger I have seen ruin the so many good years we had with her. Trying to stay positive and remind others this is not the real person we knew and loved. Just a shadow of what once was. I'm sure I fail.
My Brother and I shared a lot of our thoughts about the future and we seem to be pretty much on the same page. I don't foresee any issues I have seen with families squabbling after a loved one passes. Those things can tear a family apart.
Happy Trails
Monday, March 20, 2023
Finally a Car Title-but not in hand
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Comedy of Errors
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Life is Not Fun Right Now
On top of everything else going on with us, I am down in my back. I have a dislocated vertebrae, the L5, that acts up every so often. When it does, it's very painful, I can barely walk at times. They telll me the only way to fix that is surgery. I am avoiding that as long as possible. I don't know anybody that has had a successful back surgery that hasn't needed more later. I have been hitting the Ibuprofen pretty hard and icing it down. I get a little relief but not near enough to be able to function normally. 'K's back is also bothering her. Most all of it is in relation to moving Mom and getting ready to sell her left over things. Too much lifting and standing. Although I have done very little.
I had to go over and be with Mom for a little while one night. Just spend a little time and let her talk. She was more rational than she has been. Usually that's all it takes to help her out. Others involved don't seem to grasp that. Let's just say overreaction causes us all concern. I try very hard to keep a cool head and listen before I react. A negative reaction, even if it is only a facial expression, works against us. Dementia is a curse. Hopefully the new doctor can give her some help. She will see him Monday.
When other family is involved there can be even more stress. Differing opinions, not doing what they think you should be doing etc. I try also not to react to those situations. Selling Mom's car is one thing I apparently am not doing fast enough. Her license tags are due this month. They want it gone before then so we don't have to pay that fee. So I get helpful advice even though they said they wouldn't. I get it. I don't want to pay that either. My back has prevented me from following up on that. Maybe this week I can get the title from the DMV. I will get an appointment in order to cut down on the time I have to wait and aggravate my back more.
There is much more going on behind the scenes I could rant about but would serve no purpose. Mom does have good days too but we let the bad ones overwhelm us. That needs to be worked on.
Life is not fun fight now, but it could always be much worse. Our Faith sustains us.
Happy Trails