Monday, June 19, 2023

Hot Weather and Tomatoes and Clearing Out Clutter

Been pretty hot here this past week.  102* Thursday evening about 6:30.  An hour later it was down to 93.  On top of that we have high humidity from all the rain we had in previous weeks.  This heat will finally dry us out some and the humidity will drop.  It's a two edged sword.  These are pretty high temps here for this time of year.  

The tomatoes are doing great.  I have very big ones this year.  Some new breeds (to me) since I couldn't find my usuals.  We have more than a few waiting to be consumed.  Well that is until 'K' gave most of them away Friday to the pest control guy and the neighbor that showed up with some herbs she wanted to share.  I had planned on using them for salsa but no one asked me.  It will be at least a week before I pick anymore.  Then this heat will stop the development of more.  A little too early in the year for that.  They usually stop around July 4.  

The battle against clutter continues.  We moved on from the garage to my office that has been a catch all since the start of moving my Mother.  Tons of photos are being sorted and boxed.  We just need to find where we will store those,  It WON'T be the garage.  In the decluttering I have found some room in a small closet in my office.  There are two other small closets in the hallway that I would prefer they move to.  But 'K' says she decluttered those a couple years ago.  You can gather a lot of clutter in two years is what I was thinking without saying it of course.  It's funny how she has always said she has no problem throwing stuff out but I don't.  She is right for the most part.  I am pretty sentimental and keep things from my Grandparents.  But most of the things she throws out are my things lol.  She is really not interested in getting rid of all the left over components and beads (you have no idea) from her business.  She has been out of that business since 2012.  I think it's time.  She has no answer, just that she is not ready.  

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Ah yes, the 'yin and yang' of relationships... And getting rid of one person's 'junk' is another's treasures.