The weather here has been spectacular. So very pleasant. Cool dry air with the temps barely reaching 80 but mostly in the 70s. Sunday brought 58 for the first time since April and it felt sooo very good. I felt comfortable enough to wear a tie to church for the first time in a while. Today, Monday, it is getting a little warmer, 63 for a low and our walk was actually a little chilly for shorts. It doesn't take much for my hands to get very uncomfortable and they did. But I am not complaigning at all. Our road trip we will take into even cooler temps. They have been having temps about 15* lower there. We whould see some fall color too. Which really isn't a thing here.
We will begin prepping for our trip soon. Making a list of things to do before we leave instead of leaving it for the last couple days and then last minute things. I forget too many things when that happens. It causes to much stress to do it like we did in our youth. Something I decidedly try to avoid. Plus, at my age, there are so many more things I have to add to the list to get done or remember to take with us. At least it seems like it.
Shifting gears a bit. Take this as a caution. I see a lot of speculation and even out right predictions of things that will or might occur here due to the things happening in Israel. In concjuction with what is happening at the border this heightens my awareness. Let me explain very briefly. I have seen many many reports from all sorts of sources about what is and has been coming across the border just 150 miles South of us for the past three years. Among those that have been apprended and released are military age males, traveling solo, from countries that hate us and have said they will destroy us. We live in the largest metropolitan area that is closest to the border outside of El Paso or San Diego, but I'm focusing on Texas where the border is longest and most are entering. There are thousands of these illegal immigrants already here. I'm not naive enough to think we are safe from nefarious activity. Yes, we are on heightened awareness and other steps are being taken to protect ourselves. It may be prudent for you to take some measures also. These illegals have been moved into the interior all over the country. Being aware and prepared may save your life or that of your loved ones. I pray for our country.
Happy Trails
Situational awareness is a NECESSITY these days... sigh
Old NFO-yes, and I will NOT change my coming and going due to the wack jobs
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