Thursday, October 22, 2015

Wednesday, 21st.

Kim spent much of the day over at Mom and Dad's going through more of their things trying to decide what goes and what stays for sale.  She reported that Mom is in a much better frame of mind now and is accepting every thing very well.  This is good to hear.

We have been hearing about this rainfall that is approaching for several days now.  It changes daily but there seems to be no doubt there is a lot of rain heading our way and will be here through the weekend.  I will worry about any damage the leaky roof will cause.  My bad for not getting with the roofer sooner, but we had to save up to be able to afford it.  Since he will be replacing the entire deck the only thing that could really get damaged is the plywood ceiling.  I was thinking about removing it anyway.  Now we will just wait and see what it all looks like when he starts work and pulls the old deck off.

Kim had requested a couple money clips to sell over at the resort.  She sells everyone I make.  I have been working on those all day.  I will keep these natural leather color with a little antique.  They are usually stained or dyed dark.  I wanted a different look.  Heh, I didn't consult her on the color.  She is usually very certain about what she wants in color.  Oh well.

I have a few pics as they go through the process of getting put together.  Those will get put up when they are finished.

Happy Trails

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