Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Not sure what it is, just have no energy.  If I sit in front of the TV for more than a few minutes I start nodding off.  It doesn't really matter what time of day or night either.

Will try to clean out and reorganize the garage.  May need to make some temporary room with the impending move my parents will be making.  Not looking forward to that at all.  Not because of all the work, although there is problems there, but the emotional strain on my Mom will be significant.  Not sure how that will go.  I just need to remind myself to be as kind and understanding as I can.

This move has already taken quite a bit of Kim's time.  It will be that way for the foreseeable future.  If I disappear for a while, I will most likely be tied up with this move.  There are and have been several plans on how this goes.  Apparently dragging out the move over several weeks/months is the current method...smh.  Since they won't close on their house until January they are in no rush.  

This may kill us all.

Happy Trails.


CenTexTim said...

"...I will most likely be tied up with this move."

Hey, everyone needs a hobby... :-)

Randy said...

LOL now that's funny