Friday, September 18, 2015


Did y'all watch the debates?  I didn't.  In fact I rarely do.  I generally always know who my guy is prior to these things.  I will watch the debates once it's down to the final two candidates for POTUS.  The debates never change my mind.  I don't really see how they do much good other then to make a candidate look like an idiot. 

Maybe the low information voter or those that don't pay much attention to what is going on might be swayed, but at this point, these particular debates do nothing but divide rather than unite.  It just seems to piss off more people than it really helps.  I am not sure those low info voters would watch a debate anyway.  If they are that disconnected, why would they even bother anyway.  Those I know that actually watch the debates just seem to echo what they already have said anyway, or just cheer on their guy.  

My friend that sees things  much the same as I do, does watch the debates.  He is by no means a low info voter, he hasn't decide who he likes yet.  Even then, the guy he likes the most is way out of the pack right now.  So I don't know if he will be influenced by all the catchy one liners and insults.  Those things just do nothing for me, they do more harm than good in the big picture.

They tend to divide more than anything and cause resentment.  Not what we need.

My views are pretty simplistic.  I don't get a lot of the crap that goes back and forth so I try to ignore it.  My guy isn't much on the radar either at the moment.  Not real sure what I will do if the self serving guy gets the nomination.  

Happy Trails.

1 comment:

CenTexTim said...

That old saying about the lesser of two evils is appropriate here.

Of course, the lesser of two evils is still evil...