Thursday, April 16, 2015


Not much happening here.  Read a couple articles that I thought were pretty nuts.  So I get to share that with you.

This one really got my attention since there had been talk a little while ago about banning back yard BBQ's.

This really doesn't surprise me about Austin.  This is the home of some great BBQ joints.  I haven't been to them but when you stand in line 3-4 hours and they run out before the day is over, that's probably some pretty good eatin'.  Franklin's BBQ is pretty famous. 

But I won't stand in line 3-4 hours for anything.

Austin needs to be moved to one of the Blue States.  Yes they have some pretty weird things there, left wing ideas abound.  Don't think I would miss them much.  But banning BBQ can start a rebellion.

Then there's this short one about Bacon extending your life.

Hey, why not, pass me some more please.

Then there was this one you have probably seen.

My initial reaction, Wow, just wow.  Was that officer pissed or what?  I am not going to judge this situation as I wasn't there. 

Happy Trails


CenTexTim said...

Austin -> crazy

Bacon -> health food!

Excessive force? -> well, the guy was armed and in the middle of a crime spree...

Old NFO said...

+1 on Tim... and there WILL be an uprising if Austin bans BBQ...

Randy said...

Agree totally