Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cool Dog

Buster, our Australian Shepherd, is going on 12 years old this June.  With that advanced age, he just runs out of gas much sooner than he did just a couple years ago.  About that time we decided with these extremely hot summers we had been having that he would probably be much more comfortable with a haircut.  I have read some cons in the past about doing this, however, having him feel cooler and more comfortable with less heat stress I figure it might help extend his days.  Besides, for some reason now that he has gotten older his fur just doesn't look as good as it did before.  There is just way to much frizz for some reason that he never had before.

The most recent photo prior cut

We have opted to try to give him his haircuts in lieu of paying a groomer for a couple reasons.  Cost being one.  Another, he doesn't do well around other dogs.  To avoid any accidents we have chosen to do this ourselves.  Of course we don't make it look like a pro but it is passable.  He even seems to enjoy it.

Hard to tell much difference but we cut enough off to make two more dogs and there is more than enough for two more left.

Happy Trails


CenTexTim said...

We have two long-haired dogs. We give them a haircut - actually, a buzz cut - every spring. It grows out over the summer and is back to normal by fall.

We've heard the same pro/con arguments, but it hasn't seemed to hurt them yet - other than the embarrassment factor.

Randy said...

Our vet was pro cutting. That was enough for us and making the old boy more comfortable

Old NFO said...

So, are you knitting a spare Aussie or two??? :-)

Murphy's Law said...

He still looks like a fine dog. And better to cut the hair off than to have to vacuum it up off the floor later.

Randy said...

We still have to vacuum, Aussies shed, constantly. Ask Old NFO