Thursday, March 5, 2015


No TBT.  I had planned on a whole series of posts, day by day events, as they happened at the Alamo in 1836.  I missed the first 2 days, so you won't get a partial post.  I will post something for the last day of the siege.

We didn't get out to Cabela's Wednesday after all.  The weather wasn't cold but it was very soggy.  Fog was very heavy with visibility less than .25 miles and even less in spots.  Not a good way to drive on a 75 mph interstate.  Way to many ijits on the road anyway.  So we erred on the side of caution and stayed in.  Friday is supposed to be sunny but cold and we will again try for Cabela's. 

The weather is also not conducive to me posting anything of real interest.  I could very well comment on all the politics going on but there are enough of those writers out there and they understand and explain it much better than I could.  Besides, I usually get really tight in the jaws when I start on that.  I don't need that.

Really don't want to complain about it being wet considering the drought we have had for the last several years.  But rain is what we need, not this sloppy, soggy mist that makes everything a mess and the roads slicker than owl poop.  My patio is just disgusting to go out on with all the condensation and Buster can't get in or out of the house with out trekking across it.  So you can guess what our floors look like.  If we could only get him to wipe his feet.

With the weather keeping is in there was time to work on some more leather items.  Kim had seen a belt made of leather butterflies a while back and wanted some.  So I had cut and tooled them several months ago.  She finally got around to getting some color on them.  I added the antiquing.  Now all she needs to do is the assembly.  I also got the outer cover of one of the wallets antiqued and ready for assembly.  Once these are completed I will post some photos.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Smart man... Weather IS a good reason to stay warm and dry inside. There will be shopping on another day! :-)

CenTexTim said...

Ditto on the weather. We put down fresh mulch and compost all over the yard and plant beds last week. What with the damp and the fresh compost/mulch, plus two dogs, I'll bet our floors trump yours... :-)

Randy said...

lol sounds like you win