Monday, November 7, 2016

I Knew It

I can't say I told you so.  I did however say I thought all this hubbub about hildabeasts emails was just another diversion, to distract from the latest wikileaks.  Have you heard anymore from wikileaks lately?  What a joker this Comey guy is.  I am sure he has absolutely no respect among the rank and file FBI staff, the ones that do the job because it's the right thing to do.  This is one of the big failings of our system, political appointments.  They are indebted to the person that appointed them.  However I don't think we have ever seen such a travesty with these appointments as we have with obama's. 

What a joke this country has become.  So what's your guess, was he directed by obama to come up with the latest findings or was he paid some of the huge amounts of cash that the clintons have extorted over the last two decades?  Maybe both.  Either way, if the dems steal this election he gets to keep his job.  If the milquetoast republicans win, he may still get to keep his job.  They don't have the nads to do anything about it.  They will just say something like, 'let's put all this behind us and start moving forward and rebuild our country/relationships.'   I see no action to bring the guilty to justice being taken except for some innocent staffer that will take the fall.  Similar to Ollie North.

I don't know that I can take sitting and watching the election results again.  I was sorely disappointed in 2012.  I didn't think there was anyway we would have another four years of the disaster we had in the white house.  But it happened.  Much of it due to the right staying home and not voting because they didn't like the candidate.  We see how that has turned out.  Now we have the same sort of scenario playing out with the Never Trump crowd.  I just don't know if my mental state can take another four years of this crap.  It may even get worse.  In fact I am sure of it.  The first victim will be the second amendment.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Many prayers will be offered over the next few hours.  Lord help us and our country.