Friday, November 11, 2016


My precious Grankids will be here this weekend.  I will be somewhat busy with that so little to no posts.  I am still fighting a slow moving drain for the washing machine.  I have tried using a 'snake' but I can't get it past the bend in the pipe about 3 ft down.  It drains but not fast enough to keep it from running over the top onto the floor in the wash room.  Last resort before I call a plumber will be to try some Liquid Plumber and let it sit for a few days while it does it's thing.  Not sure how well it will work on a clog made up mostly of what I suspect is lint from the washer.  

As for this being Veterans Day, I am most grateful we have men and women that have and will lay their lives on the line for our country.  Maybe it's time that we consider that every male should spend some time in the military so they can get a real education instead of the 'hallowed' (said in jest) halls of higher learning.  Maybe then they can appreciate what this country is really about.

Veteran's thank you for your service and sacrifices.

Happy Trails


Harry Flashman said...

Mandatory service works well for the Israelis. I'd be glad to see it here, with absolutely no exemptions.

What about one of those snakes that can go out about 20 feet and has a crank handle on it to make the bit rotate at the plug?

Old NFO said...

Good luck with the drain, and concur on the service requirement.