Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I have to admit, my hearing ain't so good anymore.  In fact it has been bad for years.  I have a really hard time in large buildings and places with lots of other noise.  I can't hear most of what is said in  a normal conversation level in those type settings.  I also have to have the TV and radio much higher than Kim does.  

I find it frustrating enough that I scheduled a hearing test next week.  They will let you try out some new type hearing aids for 30 days, no charge.  Hopefully those things will help me out and reduce the tinnitus I suffer from also.

I have been around loud noises most of my life.  Mostly around highway construction, asphalt and concrete batch plants, trucks and machinery.  And then there were the railroads.  Not to mention that just standing around an interstate in heavy traffic is loud.  I did a lot of that in highway work.  You need to shout to be heard.  There was also the music played as loud as the radio or stereo would go in my car and the crazy loud concerts of my younger days.  Then there was all the bird hunting with all the shotguns going off.  We didn't ever think about our future hearing.  So shame on me.  Although there is a history of bad ears in my family.  A couple of my grandparents and my Dad were all really hard of hearing, not stone deaf but pretty close in certain circumstances.  I see my Dad sitting there when the family is together and he is basically isolated much of the time due to his lack of hearing.  I don't want that at all.  

Maybe they can help me out, but the costs of what I am being told by others my be prohibitive right now.  At least I will get an idea of what can be done.  

Happy trails


Anonymous said...

Try COSTCO. The resell high end hearing aids for a lot less money.

Kerry in Carefree

Randy said...

Thanks for the reminder. We are members and it just never dawned on me. The ad on TV for the free stuff got our attention, they will probably try to sell me something I don't need.

Old NFO said...

Yep, get checked. It's amazing what us old farts can hear with a little help! :-)