Wednesday, July 1, 2015


You have probably read the book.  It's been many years ago that I did.  I didn't read it as a political thought back then as a young teen.  It was done out of reading pleasure.  Never giving one thought that it would come true in my lifetime.

I believe we are now living 1984, the book and what the political statement it made was/is.  Not only is Big Brother watching our every move, remember NSA watching Americans phones, they are attempting to control our thoughts.  I wouldn't at all be surprisde that I am on some government watch list, and you may be too since you read this.  In fact, with my 'profile' I am sure I am, see my post yesterday.

With every supreme court decision, or policy change via the executive branch or legislative, they are telling us how we are to live our lives.  It doesn't matter any more if our country was founded on the principles of individual Liberty.  You must fall in line and follow along with the the dictates of Big Brother, regardless if it violates your conscience, religious beliefs and principles.  You must acquiesce or suffer the consequences.  They will take your livelihood and your freedom.  Next will be your family and your life.  The first two have already happened and are happening, the last two, do you doubt they are that far off?

This quote from that book is certainly true whether you agree or disagree with me.  "Who controls the past, controls the present.  Who controls the present controls the future."  They want to rewrite history and thus our present and our future.  This is a battle for the control of minds.

Will we allow our future to be controlled?  It's not looking good at this point.

On another note, yesterday was the 9th anniversary of me walking away from a job I liked.  Political intrusion changed the way we did business many years prior and I finally gave up.  Haven't regretted that a single moment.  You can't even recognize the place anymore. 

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

that's truly sad... And more and more folks are walking away...

CenTexTim said...

Agree with today and yesterday. I had a brief moment of hope after the 2014 elections, but that faded quickly.
