Monday, July 13, 2015


Things have been pretty much routine other than Kim working her tail off the last two weeks.  Buster has his routines too.  He is pretty much predictable and expects certain things to go certain ways.

He and I go outside first thing.  He waits semi patiently as I get ready to go out.  He patrols the yard, says hello to the neighbor dogs while I check and harvest the garden.  He never really is unaware of what I am doing.  He doesn't want to miss going inside when I do.  Then he waits near me to see if I am heading to my office/work room.  I perch myself in front of this square headed friend and he plants himself between my legs waiting for the morning ear scratch.  

It's some how very calming and pleases me almost as much as him.  I guess it both give us the attention we need.  He's my buddy.  Even when the velcro attachment is a little much, I try to be very patient.  Whoever coined the phrase 'man's best friend' was very wise.

Happy Trails.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

The breed does that, and it IS a comforting feeling to know he cares! :-)