Sunday, July 12, 2015


Fireworks, thunder and the beep the smoke alarm puts off when the battery is low.  Those are the only things that have ever put fear in Buster.  Never has backed down from a stranger, in fact I have to watch out for joggers other walkers that come up on us when we are out.  Especially the sneaky ones that come up from behind without notice.  He protects me more than I want him to.  In fact, in his frustration at being held back from doing his job he has jumped up and nipped at me on occasion.  I have lost a couple T shirts to this antic.  I spoke with the vet about this behavior as I did not want something to happen when the Grandkids are around.  The vet confirmed from my description what I suspected.  It was frustration from being held back.  He has always been very gentle with the kids, and tries to keep them safe.  Part of his herding instinct.  No one will harm these kids on his watch.  He will even protect them from me when I am rough housing with them.  It's all in fun but he is there to make sure.

Last night, late, while watching the idiot box, I thought I could hear some wayward fireworks.  Not many at all, just 4-5 pops.  Just barely audible to me, had to ask the wife if that's what it was.  Buster didn't flinch.  I thought he must be getting a little less afraid of them.  An hour or so later it was time to let Buster out for his last patrol of the yard and do his business.  I have to at least go out on the patio back steps.  He thinks that I need to watch him or I might go back inside without him.  He has his quirks.  I look around and no Buster.  He is standing in the door with just his head out, watching me.  He usually tries to beat me out the door.  I can't coax him out, uh uh, ain't happening, no sir.  He heard those fireworks after all.  They weren't fooling him again like they did on the 4th.  That time everything had quieted down and out he went.  One random loud pop sent him scurrying back inside prior to business.

Both of the next mornings had no issue with him wanting outside with out me.  Silly boy.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Dogs have their sensitivities to strange things... I had one that thunder didn't bother, but if he saw lightning, he was UNDER the bed in about 2 seconds... :-)