Sunday, July 19, 2015

Quietly Seething

Rant warning, I usually leave the politics etc. to other bloggers as they are so much better at expressing it than I.  But, every now and then, I just can't hold it back.  This is one of those times.  I am not sure how it will sound to you, but it is probably much different in my ears than yours.  I make no apologies for my views.  If you are offended, so be it.  While I try not to be offensive to others, I'm done with watching out for others toes.  Mine have been stepped on plenty by those that disagree with me.

Dead Marines and now a sailor.  I have been quietly observing the events in Chattanooga.  Our worthless President made his usual sympathy comments.  You can pretty much tell what he will say word for word before he even says it.  It sounds like the same thing he has said over any such tragedy with our troops, if he says anything at all.  Then rushes off to be with his hollywierd friends or play golf.  He gets more animated and seemingly passionate about some young criminal that dies 'suspiciously.'  His response to the reporter that asked a question he didn't like had more passion.  Am I the only one that sees how goofy that looks in comparison?  I doubt we will ever hear another word about this event, unless of course he wants to defend islam or the muslim that did this. 

Just think about this, in the 60's plenty of people were afraid of JFK becoming president because he was a catholic.  Now we have this muslim apologist, a way of life that is not compatible with what America was founded on.  It is unbelievable to me that this jack wagon is still in office.  Not to mention most of the idiots that have been put in power.  Just think about this for a minute.  If some of these same things  that are ongoing with our government, restricting our freedoms and attacking American values were to happen in the early days of our republic, what do you think would have happened?  Our forefathers would already be shooting.  I am convinced of this.  In many ways we have already lost our country.

I truly believe this country is being destroyed from within.  We don't have to worry about another country defeating us somehow.  We will do it for them.  We need to stand up to the reality that is staring us dead on in the eyes.  The libturds are trying everything they can to make this country something none of us will recognize.  They do not believe in freedom at all and letting me live as I choose.  I once read an article about the Russian mindset.  They cannot fathom freedom for the individual, it is the one thing they fear more than anything else.  Does that sound familiar?  I fear the future for my children and grand children.  There may not be much left if anything by that time, and the time is short.

Most of my recent conversations have been focused on these things with no prompting from me.  So I know others minds are as much troubled as I am.  It's not just my close friends either.  I read enough blogs to know I am not alone in my thinking.  The thing that strikes me most is the tone has changed significantly.  Especially since the last idiotic rulings from the supreme court.

There will come a tipping point.  What that will be, who knows. You can only push a man so far.  For some, it is sooner than others.  But everyone has that point.  I am not even sure what mine is. 

I am just in a major funk about all that has happened recently and over the past decade.  It just boggles my mind.  With every little victory against my values, the winners get even more strident than they have been.  They get more idiotic and convoluted in their thinking.  I just don't understand that mindset.  (That is a major part of this, understanding those that attack you.)  Now it's not just about getting what they want, it's about rubbing my/our faces in it.  They want to humiliate those they disagree with.

My heart weeps...


CenTexTim said...

"With every little victory against my values, the winners get even more strident than they have been."

That is the sad, frustrating truth. They never stop. They're never satisfied. You're right - at some point the pot is going to boil over.

And I fear that point is getting closer and closer...

Old NFO said...

Can't disagree with anything you've said... Dammit...