Thursday, January 24, 2019

Slaughter of The Innocents

Warning:  I am going off my usual posting since the State of New York has gone completely insane with the new abortion laws they just passed.  So be forewarned my post will contain my religious beliefs on this practice.  I welcome comments, but if you plan to criticize me for what I have to say your post will be deleted.  I have NO tolerance for free speech when it goes against the teaching of God.  Yes, I know I run the risk of getting the attention of the Blogger or Google thought Police.  However I can't let this go and feel it my obligation to oppose this practice.

Full term abortion is what they just approved.  What does this mean?  A woman can have her baby killed at anytime during her pregnancy, even up to the day she is to give birth.  I don't know if that includes if she has already gone into labor.  But why should that matter?  Better yet, why not wait until it is born and them kill it?  Or maybe one or two months later?  I am sure they have their special kind of rationalization that makes them think like that.  I call it brain damaged.  

As in the Bible, this country will fail one day, due to the practice of slaughtering innocent babies.  Babies and children were offered up as sacrifices to false gods by pagan countries in the Old Testament.  The Israelites were commanded to destroy those nations for this practice (which God mentions he hates).  It is my firm unwavering belief if this country is allowed to fail it will be just retribution for the practice of abortion.  God was not mocked then, and He will not be now.  Action may not come during my lifetime or even in another generation.  Our God is merciful, wanting all to repent and be saved.  So he is patient, giving us all the chance to do the right thing.  It took generations and hundreds of years then, giving them multiple chances.  It may not even be in the manner we expect, lightning and thunder and fire and brimstone raining out of the sky.  He can use other countries, peoples to destroy us just as he did back then.  From the way things are going here, we may destroy ourselves.  However, I believe we will become weakened enough from our infighting we will be just fodder for our enemies to overtake us finally.  

I pray, Lord, come quickly.

Sorry no happy trails today.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

This is just flat abborhent. No other word for it... Grrrr...