Thursday, July 27, 2017


I took in another movie.  That puts me at my annual limit of 2.  Actually I had no plans to go and then
Son #1 called and wanted to go see 'Dunkirk' and wanted me to go.  He knows my tastes and he probably knew his wife would prefer something else.  

This was a very different movie.  From what I know about Dunkirk and the time frame it seemed to be very realistic.  Not to mention I watched an interview with a 98 year old survivor of Dunkirk as he came out of the movie.  He was a very eloquent gentleman and was in grasp of all his faculties.  He got very emotional at one point while relating his thoughts.  He said it brought back so many memories of that time and it was very realistic.  So there you go.  

How was it different?  First off there were no major stars.  So there were no prima donna acting bits.
Also, how the story was told was different than most anything I have seen.  Each section of the story was told in real time and then they would tie back into each other.  Hard to explain but I don't think I have ever seen it done quite like that.  You had to pay attention.  It was pretty intense as you can probably imagine.  Not as bloody as you might expect either.  I give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

The Grandkids were here for a night and that was enjoyable.  It got us out of our rut for a bit.  

A few other errands were attempted.  Yes, attempted and failed.  I went into town to get a piece of glass cut for the window that was broken.  They couldn't cut it since their tech was out.  They would call me the next day when they have it cut.  Didn't happen so I will have to wait until Friday.  Three days and two trips for a piece of glass.  While I was out at the movie I decided to stop for an inspection for my truck.  Again, no dice.  Their computer was down, until further notice.  So I will head into town again Friday and get the glass and an inspection along with an oil change.  I hope, fingers crossed.  

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Well, at least you got to see the movie! :-)