Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Why did I just waste 2 hours last night watching the train wreck of a debate.  I knew better.  What a joke this thing was.  Hildabeast was just what you would expect, a professional politician.  Trump was a disappointment.  He let her slide in so many areas.  Just like Romney let obama slide on Bengahzi, Trump did the same.  What gives?  There were so many openings for him to hammer her on this and other scandals.  He failed to follow up on his comment about her 33,000 deleted emails.  Why?  Trump sounded pretty goofy at times too, no idea what his 10 year old son with computer skills was supposed to mean.  His jumping around with his answers and not finishing up a thought was sad.

No, it won't affect my vote.  A debate never has and never will.  They are just window dressing.  What does concern me are those voters that wait to see how the debate goes to decide who they will vote for.  Really?  Is that the limit of their grey matter?  The evidence of performance is already there.  Are they so gullible that they can be swayed by sound bites and not actions?  I know the answer.

I weep for my country.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

I think the millennials are looking for those sound bites...Sigh. And yes, that's two hours we'll never get back!