Monday, July 18, 2016

The World Has Gone Insane

The events world wide over the last few days have convinced me that most people are now insane.  I read about the trouble in France and it seems to me that their ignoring of the muslim immigration swarm is coming home to roost.  One pundit even thinks they are on the verge of a civil war since many of the French people are now very angry at all the terrorism.  There have been multiple other attacks with loss of life that hasn't made the news here at all.  That and what they see as a tepid response by their government.  He also vaguely alludes that guns are part of the impetus for this coming civil war since they are not banned from owning guns like in the UK.  He is a UK native, now living in France for the past 15 years.  He claims to have a great feel for the pulse of the French people.  Who knows if he is right, but I couldn't blame them.

Although he makes it seem the French people are unhappy with Hollande's response to terror on his home soil.  Another writer extols his stance on declaring war on ISIS while an ally for the past 250 years has remained on the sidelines, not supporting the French president with an equal declaration of war.  Guess who that is.  Obama is content to let the French go it alone despite what he may have said about supporting them.  Yet Trump already has claimed he will ask congress for that declaration of war, while hildabeast claims Christians will have to give up their faith and just accept it when it comes to obeying laws of the country their faith opposes, i.e. abortion, gay marriage etc.  A committed Christian will NEVER do that.  I have no doubt there is a not so subtle war on Christianity in the country that was founded to allow religious freedom.  And yet they bend over backwards to appease islam while the muzzies plan our demise, the appeasers included.

Then there is the crap in Turkey.  I don't even begin to understand what is going on there.  But it seems to me that there are a few folks there that don't take to the current president and his hard line muslim approach to governing.  He has even said he favors ISIS and yet our administration has come out in support of the current 'democratically' elected government.  Then there are reports that this wack job president of Turkey is holding American servicemen hostage on the base at Incirlik.  Yet we see or hear almost nothing that he has surrounded the base and cut power to it.  We have nukes over there, I don't think we need those getting into the wrong hands.  I pray for the safety of our servicemen and women there and everywhere.

Admittedly I am sure I don't have the whole picture as I tend to avoid the network news and the slanted views plus the fact that there is so much crap the media wants you to swallow, I can't be sure of anything I read, watch or hear.

Then there is the crap here at home with the attacks on the police and the divisive rhetoric that comes from the black jesus.  He has blood on his hands along with the media.  The media plays up any police shooting of a black man, every time, yet NEVER gives the same coverage to any other police shooting.  They make it seem like only black men are being shot yet ignore the details of why.  I don't understand what those of the BLM hope to accomplish by inciting the race war they seem to want.  No good could come to them in something like that. If I was a police officer I would probably be thinking of a new line of work.  I could go on and on about this but you have probably heard as much as I have or more so I will just leave it at that.

I see things (protests) being planned for the GOP convention in Cleveland this week.  Why is the media reporting that?  Are they setting the stage? It ratchets up the hate on both sides, making a tinder box, more big news for them to cover.  No doubt they will spin that to try to get voters away from the GOP and either not vote or vote how they want them to.  That will work on the low info voters and the weal minded.  No good can come of this.  If it is peaceful, I will be more than surprised.  

We have gone off the rails.  I have some inclination to believe we are paying price for getting so far from our Christian roots in this country.  If that's the case, this is only the beginning.  As they say, 'you ain't seen nothing yet.' 

Sorry for the disjointed thoughts, there is a lot of crap running through my head and this keyboard is paying the price.


Old NFO said...

Can't disagree with you, and it makes one wonder when the DHS head comes out and says there will be problems in Cleveland. What does he know???

CenTexTim said...

I've been thinking the same things about France and Turkey, and the race pimps here at home. It seems that common sense has been overwhelmed by political correctness. We can't say that international terrorism is driven by Islam, because we might offend Islamists. We can't say that racial strife is increasing because of the 'black lives matter' hypocrites, because we might offend blacks. We can't depend on the media to give us a straight story, because they have a narrative to advance.

I am beyond disgusted...

Harry Flashman said...

I think you pretty well summed up what a lot of us are feeling. It does seem that the government is in a state of denial, and even if unintentionally is setting us up for a big , bloody problem in our own territory with the Islamists. The government is worse than useless, Obama and his henchmen are actively making things worse on every front.

Erdogan is arresting thousands of people who had no part in the Coup. The guy wants to be the next Ayatollah Khomeini. He's going about it the right way, even arresting school teachers who have complained about the Islamization of text books.

Things are going to hell in handbasket. You have a lot of company in your concerns.