Wednesday, July 6, 2016

I Held Out Hope

Yes,I  really did.  I bought into something I read about the FBI being dedicated to their cause and would actually find a reason to indict hildabeast.  I think I knew way back in some dark corner that politics would win out over justice.  I have no doubt if she had been a white, southern, male, christian, the current administration would have done everything they could have to undermine her.  But since she seems to be the anointed one, there is nothing she can do that will stop her.  I have no doubt there will be some really dirty election tricks going on come November.  Some like we have never seen before, but we will never know, since the media will not report anything negative about her.

So can we rely on the American people to come to their senses after seeing how things have been for the last 8 years?  Not a chance.  It's the uninformed American people that got us in this mess.  It seems they aren't bright enough to even see the problems facing us.  

My hope for America is fading.


Harry Flashman said...

It's not the 1950's anymore, that's for sure. I think the rot started setting in around 1967 and it just hasn't stopped.

Randy said...

I think the rot started in 1860