Friday, July 8, 2016

I Watched

I watched the FBI Director's Testimony yesterday.  At least until I lost the stream.  Couldn't get it back either.  If I was a conspiracy theorist, I might think that I was disconnected because there was something they didn't want me to see/hear.  I found the feed on the book of faces by accident.  If the comments are any indication, a LOT of folks are pissed off about this whole hildabeast/FBI investigation.  A lot of the comments were just plain stupid too.  They had no relation to what was actually going on.

The Director never got flustered to his credit.  However, I understand that he refused to answer any more questions at one point.  That supposedly happened after I lost the connection.  Hmmmm, coincidence?  I will have to try to find out what the questions were that he refused to answer.  However, regardless of the line of questioning, and Trey Gowdy had his usual tough questions, what will they do?  Did they expect him to say, 'yeah, I was coerced, I'm a clinton crony?'  It's just all grandstanding.  They won't do a freaking thing.  They are worthless, the lot of them.  

The dumocrats were their usual selves trying to prop up the director and claiming the GOP was attacking him personally, yet they never asked a meaningful question, ever.  A couple just droned on and on so I went and did a couple things in the other room before I continued.  They certainly don't care one iota about the rule of law or justice, at least as far as another dumocrat is concerned.

Our Governor, Gregg Abbott, officially called for a Convention of the States.  He proposed 9 amendments.  I liked them all but he was short by not adding a couple more about term limits and congress having to be subject to any/all laws they pass also.  Hopefully since Texas is such a large state and can get a lot of attention, that will draw more attention to that Convention of the States movement than previous calls.  I think 7-8 states have now done the same.  We need 34.  I think there are enough red states to fill that number.  I hope they get their heads out of the sand before too long.

We sang a song at church Wednesday night, Troublesome Times are Here.  It couldn't have been more appropriate.

I will be praying about these troublesome times more now than before.

1 comment:

Harry Flashman said...

If Texas wants to take action to enhance states rights, and lessen the power of the Fds, I am absolutely sure that Georgia would go along.