Thursday, March 3, 2016


GAH!  I wish I could afford to move where there aren't any people sometimes.  All in all my neighbors aren't so bad.  I have three houses that border my place.  Each of them at one time or another have been a nuisance.  

The worst was the constantly barking dogs.  That has been corrected to an extent that it is tolerable.  Another has a pool and hot tub that attracts crowds at times.  Not so bad, except they like for me to enjoy their crappy choice of music along with parking almost blocking my driveway.   The crowds don't happen very often, but the music is several times a week.  They play it loudly enough OUTSIDE that I can hear the words clearly, sometimes inside.  Remember, I need hearing aids.  Then they will disappear back into their house leaving the music going.  

Then there is the other neighbor.  They are about ten years older than us at least, so we don't see or hear from them, ever.  They don't even do any yard work, hiring all of it out.  That leads to this.

I don't know what these are called.  They have thousands of spiny stickers and get really tall with a puffy cottony flower that blows their seeds everywhere.  It will get much worse before they have the yard guys out.  I don't really care how your yard looks, it's your issue to deal with not mine.  But, here's the problem.  I HATE PULLING WEEDS!  I spent two consecutive Springs ridding my yard of that crap.  Previously I would pull a few as I was doing other things, but they were getting out of hand.  I had a couple years of none to almost none of those bad boys.  But since they don't try to eradicate theirs, those little puffy flowers get deposited back in my yard.  Causing me to PULL WEEDS!  



Old NFO said...

Oh yeah, that's 'my' task today. Pulling weeds... sigh

CenTexTim said...

re: the weeds ... everyone needs a hobby... :-)

Randy said...

LOL @ Tim