Saturday, March 5, 2016

Cutting Kim's Hair

I was sitting in my office minding my own business, probably reading blogs, when the wife strolls in.  She tells me she needs me to cut her hair.  WHAT??!!!??!  All the alarm bells, sirens and warnings are going off.  "Are you serious?"  I asked in disbelief.  "Yes, I will show you where.  I just need a straight line cut around my shoulders."  I still can't believe what I am hearing and proceed to follow her completely stunned.  I asked her why she didn't just go get it cut by a pro.  Her response was she didn't want to spend the 50 some odd dollars on it.  But, But, about all I could muster.  I'm all for saving a few bucks but this just seemed insane.

She shows me where it should be cut and assures me it would be alright.  If it was uneven she was going to roll it anyway so it wouldn't show.  Her hair was wet so it made it a bit easier to cut and see what is going. 

Well, I cut it.  Didn't take long and she seemed OK with it.  She touched up things as I got out of the way. 

Later I see her and her hair is now dry and it is much much shorter than what I thought she wanted.  I guess I cut about 6 inches off and it was now just above her shoulder more than I (or she) expected.  The drier hair is shorter than when it is wet.  She also said that it was a little higher on one side than the other.  I didn't get it exactly straight.  She had to cut more to get it even.

Wonder of wonders she was not at all mad or upset.  It actually looked OK.  Not my favorite style now but it will grow back.

I won't be going into the barber business that's for sure.  Give me an expensive piece of leather to cut and I ain't as nervous.

Happy Trails.

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