Sunday, February 26, 2017

Weapons of War

I read an article on another website in regard to the 4th Court of Appeals and it upholding the ban on certain guns and magazines.  This is exactly the reason why we need to be able to remove activist judges that legislate from the bench or use their political of personal agenda as law instead of what the constitution says.  The 2nd Amendment is not hard to understand.  There is no way to misunderstand it unless it goes against your opinion or belief.  But yet we have these yahoo's that can get away with this crap.  

I could go on and on but this is much to simple it doesn't need much discussion IMO.  Just follow the constitution and you are good.  It's not like interpreting a foreign language where words can take on several meanings yet we don't know which one they meant.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

If only they WOULD follow the Constitution... sigh

Harry Flashman said...

The Fox News program "the journal" had a good segment on this today. They pointed out that the 4th Circuit is trying to work it's way around the Heller decision by imposing standards on firearms that the Supreme Court did not address in their decision. They also pointed out that when Obama came to power, only 3 of the 13 Circuit Courts had Democratic appointees in the majority. Now 9 of them do.....