Saturday, February 18, 2017

More Frustration

I mentioned a while back that I was being changed to a new pharmacy insurer and the frustration of having to change various meds due to coverage changes etc.  I have been dealing with this the last two weeks.  It had appeared that all of the prescriptions had arrived at the mail order site as i could see them listed on their website.  Great, I thought, maybe this will be easier than I expected.  Nope.

I received my first order from them this week.  It was short three of the meds.  I check the website and none of the previous ones are listed as before, even in the prescription history.  Contact via the website proved fruitless as they claimed they had NO RECORD of those prescriptions.  Yeah, they got a nasty reply.  I also had my doctor resend those missing ones or so they say they will, but that hasn't worked well in the past.  We will see.

Today is the Birthday Party for my bride.  I will head over there early to see what I can do to help out.
However, they keep telling me everything will be done already.  I'm going anyway.  I have to at least help then set up, just for my own satisfaction.  My bride also dropped an idea she had about entertainment for the guests.  What?!?!?  Even though it had crossed my mind I had hoped our kids would step up with that.  Crickets.  Three days before the party and she has what she thinks is a simple plan.  It ain't that simple.  I dumped it on the kids.  If it happens at all, great.  If not, it will be the way I thought it was going anyway, have friends and family over to eat and visit and wish her well.  I told you I'm not a party guy.  I'm doing pretty good just trying to put one on at all after 40+ years.  Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Why does there have to be entertainment?  grumble grumble.

Happy Trails


Harry Flashman said...

Prescriptions are always a pain. Here, if I go to a drugstore and say "I pay so much at Ingles for this, what is your price?" They can't tell me. They say "you have to switch over and order from us, and then we will run it through your insurance, and then you will get a price when we fill the prescription."

I don't do parties or social events anymore. Not even funerals. Too big a trial.

Randy said...

Harry Flashman I am beginning to believe that pharmacy business isn't on the up and up