Saturday, June 11, 2016


While this is fresh in my mind, I want to urge all you men to get your PSA levels checked.  Ladies, if you have a man in your life, do whatever you can to get him to go.  Even if you have to play dirty.  Sorry fellas, it's your own fault, you know how most of you are about going to the doctor.

Why am I mentioning this now?  Yes, I got a good report recently regarding my own prostate cancer.  However, not everyone is as fortunate as I have been.  Yes most do survive and live a long life after.  But there are at least 5 % that don't.  I was reminded of this Thursday while I was sitting on the beach eating my lunch.  I got a rare text from my old high school best friend.  One of our mutual friends from high school, passed away this past Monday from prostate cancer.  He was only 61 or 62.  Much to young.  Don't let this be you.