Monday, June 27, 2016


I was watching the network news talking heads Friday evening (against my better judgement) in regard to the UK's vote to get out of the EU.  They focused on all the people that were upset that the vote went to leave the EU.  They got sound bites from numerous folks and had a breakdown of how the UK voted.  Actually they only focused on the sections that voted to stay.  Scotland was so upset they will seek independence.  In all of the coverage they only had one person that was for leaving.  It also included several Wall St. types that were shocked that it happened.  They actually didn't think it would happen. 

The way I look at it, is if the news talking heads are focusing on the negatives, it was most likely a good thing they left.  I don't know enough about the economy to know how this will work out in the long run, but I did expect that Wall St. would take a big hit.  How long that will last, no idea.  However, I believe it will recover, in time.  And not a long time either.  Yeah, I'm sure my small IRA's took a big hit.  They did in 2008 and they have recovered.  So I am not jumping off any buildings today.  

I am however interested in how this will affect their immigration.  I see a lot of videos of how the immigrant muslims are behaving there and how they have taken over some areas and it isn't safe if you aren't a muslim.  Maybe they have seen the light and will clamp down on that issue.  It just might save them from themselves.

However, as it turns out, there are four options for not getting out since this was a 'non-binding' vote.  (why have a vote that is non-binding, especially for something like this)?  Parliament can just ignore the vote and vote to stay in the EU. The majority it seems is against getting out. This may not bode well for the next election however if they went against the vote.  Then there is some petition thing that could bring about another vote.  There are some percentage markers that must be met also to prevent a 're-vote' and there is a huge call for that already.  I don't recall the other at this moment but it's Europe. I have never really understood most of the stuff they do there anyway.  Just remember, the libtards want us to be like them, Europe.  Scary thought.  Oh yeah, I remember now, the EU could make concessions on the current treaty, most of which would involve immigration.  But I have heard that other members of the EU want them out now they are so upset with how the vote went.  I'm not a betting man and I wouldn't bet on how this will turn not after everything is said and done.

I didn't really pay much attention to this to begin with.  I don't know the issues that brought this to a vote anyway.  I am sure it is more complicated than it appears to Joe Public.  To me sovereignty should have been the main reason.  It boggles my mind as to why a country/people would give up deciding for themselves how things should work IN THEIR COUNTRY, and let some other loose gathering of a huge mix of ideas and different way of living decide for them.  Yes, I am aware that the leftards would love for that to happen here.  I can't even begin to understand that way of thinking.  It's insanity as far as I'm concerned.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

This is yet another case of the 'people' speaking, and being overridden by the pols with media complicity... And I think the next election in Britain is gonna be interesting!!!

Randy said...

Old NFO-agreed, we are seeing it here with the Trump movement, yes I'm calling it a movement. Plenty of folks are upset.

Harry Flashman said...

From what I can tell, it has been a tempest in a teapot, at least here. The first day it was the end of the world but today it was past history.

Randy said...

Harry Flashman- agreed, it seems the libtards are the ones keeping it in the news. They should be held responsible for any hysteria in caused in the economy from this point.