Friday, December 4, 2015

Anti-Gun Wack Jobs Have No Clue

"For two decades CAIR, Islamic education organizations, and self-appointed Islamic spokesmen have allied themselves with revisionist historians, Middle East specialists, and celebrities whose anti-American and anti-Western views match their own. They have largely succeeded in shifting and controlling acceptable opinion about what is and is not said about Islam in schools and universities, government and philanthropies, in newspaper editorials, and on television and film. Even the military sometimes seems eager to cater to Muslim feelings.......

Perhaps Islam is the religion of peace, and Ben Affleck and Gen. Casey will certainly assure us of that. Unfortunately, many dolts will listen to them."

Couldn't have said it better...the rest here.

The anti gun nuts and bleeding heart wack jobs don't even have a clue that islam has been behind some of the worst mass shootings.
Californicatia has strict anti gun laws, did that help?  What about France, do they even allow any guns there and look what happened.  A defenseless populace is an open invitation to islam jihadists and any other nut that doesn't give a rat's ass about gun laws.  Obama uses this for political hay for his anti gun stance but refuses to acknowledge his native religion is behind the most heinous of these acts.  I wonder why? (sarcasm intended.)



Old NFO said...

I don't wonder... It's the apologist's line...

CenTexTim said...

For every gun control proposal, I suggest we scratch out the word "gun" and insert "muslim" instead.

Randy said...

Agreed CenTexTim 100%

Old NFO, I truly believe he is more than just an apologist.