Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Drought is Broken Big Time

Well maybe, if the rains we had Monday evening/night and early Tuesday are any indication of a weather pattern change.  As of midday Tuesday I have recorded 9.5 inches in about 19 hours.  That's a lot by anyone's standards.  They say it is the 10th heaviest rain in history for the San Antonio records.  I think I have seen about 9 of those.  We had some very serious lightning to go along with the rain.  I'm talking very close and very loud.  One strike knocked our power out for a little while, maybe thirty minutes.  In fact a very huge area was impacted by this outage.  However it was restored much faster than I expected.  The power company here does a terrific job of restoring power when it is knocked out.  I have no complaints.  The largest amount of rain fell in about 3 hours.  My gauge was full at 6" when I checked so it probably had more that couldn't get into the gauge.  It was pretty intense in a tropical manner.  We suffered no ill effects from the storm yet I am certain lightning did some damage somewhere around us.  I haven't looked at the news yet but as always here, my friend that works swift water rescue was very busy I'm sure.  He hasn't gotten much sleep in the last 24 hours.

Our Labor Day BBQ went pretty well although most everyone left before I was ready for them too.  My parents made the drive out and stayed a little longer than usual.  But when they left, others had to move cars so they all decided it was a good time to go.  As it turns out, they left at an opportune time since the weather was much much heavier than was predicted.  Oh and when you BBQ wings, they are just as good as fried if not better, but it requires more attention in order to keep them from burning, especially with as many as we had cooking.  You gotta rotate all those every so often.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Glad it went well, and yes, we're FINALLY getting some rain up here too!

Randy said...

Thank you sir