Friday, May 11, 2018

I Know

Yes, I know, I have been slacking posting recently.  We have been pretty busy with just life things, nothing unusual.  That has caused me to fall down on the job of posting here.  We are currently in the middle of a Spring Cleaning type of effort that includes some yard work also.  We are having most of the family over for BBQ on Mother's Day and this seemed like a good time to get things cleaned up.  Since we have been battling health issues the past few months we have gotten way behind in keeping things in order around here.  No, we won't finish everything this week, we don't have to, but we have made a big dent in it.  I still have some shrubs that have died from a fungus I found out about.  So I will have to remove four large shrubs and one that has grown to tree size.  Red Tip Photinias are susceptible to a certain fungus and it devastated ours.  I have three left that don't look so good but I am holding out hope they will survive.  I am not sure when this removal will take place.  I don't have a place to dispose of the cut wood.  There will be quite a bit from the tree size one.  Our neighborhood usually has a once a year brush pick up/drop off.  It is this Saturday.  I will have my hands full cooking the BBQ for Sunday.  I just don't have enough time to do both.  I can see the shrub removal taking a couple days.  

I also tried to fix a faucet that was leaking.  It's old enough that they don't make parts for it anymore.  I need to replace it now.  We have two sinks in the bathroom where it is so I will have to replace both faucets so they match.  It turned into a bigger job than I expected.  I can't even get the one back together as the 'part' is so corroded from our hard water.  Not sure when I will get to this, maybe today, maybe not.

Yes, I can be a slacker at times when the energy levels just don't get high enough.  I am blaming that on my recent surgery and illnesses.  I am just not bouncing back like I hoped.  Well that's my story anyway and I'm sticking to it.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Yep, we get older, we don't bounce back as fast... sigh Good luck with the BBQ!!!