Thursday, December 29, 2016


The weather turned a little cooler Thursday morning.  A nice change after the humid 80* days we have been having.  I woke up to a message on my phone from my Uncle.  He had doe down and wanted to know if I wanted it or he would give it to my oldest son that also asked him for one.  I told him t tell my son to go butt a stump I would be there in about an hour.  He had been holding off on hunting one for the weather to get a little cooler so this morning was the day.  So I spent most of the morning driving to pick up the deer and then drive it another 40 some odd miles to the place I like to have it processed.  No, I won't process my own any more.  That is a real pain and I don't have a meat grinder.  It is a really small deer, typical for the area he lives, so I had to tease him about that.  I may get about 25-30 lbs of meat total.  With the processing fee and all the driving we don't save much money.  But it's good clean meat and has none of that crap that beef has in it and it is extremely lean. 
So lean I have to have tallow added to the hamburger.  About 10% makes it cook better.  It will be ready in about a week, then more driving.  All total about 200 miles after it is said and done.  I figure the meat cost about 3-4$/lb.  But those chicken fried steaks Kim makes, I can hardly wait.  I am already thinking about making chili too.

I keep hearing about the deaths of Carrie Fisher and now Debbie Reynolds.  Sounds like Ms. Reynolds died of a broken heart.  Too bad, she was a favorite of mine.  Then the PC crowd bullied Steve Martin about a 'tweet' he did about the loss of Carrie Fisher.  They think it was sexist and in poor taste.  This world has gone absolutely insane about not being offended.  Yet they can be bullies.

Seems also that the impostor is doing everything he can the last few days to make a mark on his 'legacy.'  He had 8 years and didn't do a thing worthwhile.  Now that he is almost out of our house, he seems to be doing more to rattle those he doesn't agree with even more than before.  What a freaking coward this guy is.  We all could tell he was wimp, but now he is showing his true colors since he won't have to deal with the consequences.  What a Jack Ass.

OK, I'm done now.  Just had to get that off my chest.

Happy Trails.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

10% is usually a good mix, that's what I've used over the years too! :-) And BO is determined to screw up as much as he can between now and Jan 20th... sigh