Thursday, June 20, 2019

What a Pair We Are

Here we are about 48 hours post surgery for the wifely unit.  The pain is minimal at this point only using the prescription strength ibuprofen.  This is great.  I was pretty worried about the pain and how debilitating it would be for her.  She is getting around on the knee scooter pretty well when she needs to.  I am pretty much her nurse 24/7 and try to get her everything she needs or wants whenever.  Honestly, that is pretty tiring and trying to take care of all the other things.  Trying to do some things before I have even made coffee makes me a little grumpy.  Yesterday I started having what appears to be an allergic reaction to the antibiotics I was given for my procedure.  Pins and needle feeling all over my entire body.  Wasn't sure it was diabetic neuropathy that had hit me full force.  So having to be the nurse and dealing with that.....wasn't a very good day yesterday.  Today all seems fine, the doc let me get off the antibiotic and I won't need the steroid pack he offered if it didn't get better.  We are quite the pair.  Yes, I am much more pleasant to be around now.  I take her back to her surgeon on Friday.  I assume they will be replacing the bandage at that time and hoping her pain will be minimal after.  

I went to see my surgeon yesterday and he said everything looked good.  He was running almost an hour late, got stuck in surgery, so he was in a little rushed I guess.  I forgot to ask if the biopsy had come back, he didn't remember to mention it either.  I know it's nothing but everyone keeps asking.  I'll find out next visit 2 weeks from now.  He said the holed should get about 3/4 closed by then.  I'm hoping I can let the home health care off and I can do it myself before then.  Waiting for them to call and then show up hampers things I may need to do.  However, I am most grateful for the service they perform.  

Yard work is looming big time.  I didn't get a chance to cut grass before my procedure and we have had some good rain with good sunshine after that and is making the grass go nuts.  I need this hole to close more to be able to get out and get it done.  Maybe early next week I'll try.  

Happy Trails

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