Monday, November 5, 2018

The Election Can't Be Over Soon Enough

I will be more than happy when this election is over.  The television has been inundated with attack ads more than I have ever seen and for a midterm election.  It just shows how desperate the left is and they have spared no expense getting their garbage and outright lies and obfuscation onto the airwaves.  I don't watch a lot of TV so when I do sit down to watch, it gets me tight in the jaws since I can't escape it and I have to sit through that.  It seems it is even creeping into the cable shows.  I hate it.  They are very stupid ads aimed at those voters that only decide to vote for the one with the best catch phrases or twist that appeals to them.  Do these ads really work with someone that has grey matter?  I hate these things.  

My BBQ turned out pretty well although a little drier than usual.  I bought this brisket with the fat cap trimmed.  I had never done that before and was trying something new.  While it was still tender and flavorful, it had almost no moistness when cut into.  It didn't taste too dry on the tongue, but it just wasn't what I prefer to present.  We had a good time visiting and the folks we had over were of the younger crowd so they brought a passel of kids.  It was a delight to see all those young'uns running around and having a great time. A three year old little girl ran the show.  I paid more attention to what they were doing than I did their parents.  I sat and listened to the parents (early to mid 30's, younger than my kids) and felt a bit lost on some of the things they talked about.  But I was glad they had that time to get to know each other better as that is what we were hoping for.  I think it was very successful all in all.  I need to keep an eye out for briskets on sale as I like to keep one on hand to give to those that may be going through a tough time or we get the urge to have someone over.

K got a call from a friend that runs a tool distributorship about coming and working at his place for a week making calls telling clients about his big christmas sale.  She jumped at the chance.  She will earn a little and that will go a long way toward gifts for christmas.  So I am running things around here.  I hope I can do it right.  Note to self: remember to wash the dishes.

Big milestone or me.  I applied for social security.  K will also as soon as we can get her log in issues corrected.  We will then start shopping for a new vehicle to replace my truck.  I would really like a new truck but common sense tells me that is just not as practical as an SUV would be.  I really don't haul anything anymore and K would have trouble getting in and out.  We have even kicked around the idea of going to one vehicle.  I just don't think that would work out very well right now.  Maybe once we are older.

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Glad it went well! And good luck on a vehicle. I'd look at a couple of year old one, prices are MUCH more reasonable.

Randy said...

Old NFO-we too are considering used, but mileage is a huge concern for us.