Tuesday, November 20, 2018


As usual we are having our family, (our kids and my parents) out for Thanksgiving.  I will try smoking a turkey again.  It turned out really well the last time I tried it so I want to smoke a bigger one.  It is taking a long time for that bird to thaw out with the much cooler weather we are having.  I need it thawed by Wednesday.  That is when I plan on smoking it.  I may have to try some other measures today for it to get thawed completely by tomorrow.  I am worried about it thawing too soon and getting some sort of bacteria growing (what is it, Salmonella or Botulism?)  That would really be horrible.

We will be trying to get things cleaned up and presentable in the house and I will try to get my yard cut one last time until next Spring.  It is looking a little unkempt at the moment.  But it's pretty chilly out today, but we will have a chance of rain tomorrow and smoking turkey will get in the way.  So it is today or never.

I see some of the invaders from Central America have made it to our border near Tijuana just south of San Diego.  They were a thousand miles away and on foot a week ago and they covered that in no time.  Hmmmm, they walk really fast if you believe the news media.  I think it hilarious that the locals in Tijuana are upset they are 'invading' their country and wanting them to obey their laws.  What?  Selective justice is what I call it.  (but I don't blame them) Never mind that their own countrymen and government want to come into our country illegally and unhindered.  Will this be a wake up call?  LOL not even.  This is a perfect example of 'do what I say, not as I do.'  This is going to get ugly.  At some point these 'wannabe refugees' are going to try to get into our country, similar to how they did Mexico's Southern border.  They breached it and overwhelmed the guards with pure numbers.  There are 10,000 more on the way.  Are they just going to all sit there and be happy?  Mexico is aiding them to get them out of their hair and into our country as fast as possible.  But You won't see the regular media admit this.  

This invasion may also have ramifications by causing major conflict in our own government.  Trump, like most thinking Americans want this invasion stopped.  Those that want to open our borders to everyone don't care that all those invaders can't be cared for adequately.  If they get across en masse by swarming our border, how will we react?  Rollover like the Mexicans?  I pray for no bloodshed but I am afraid it may happen.

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

We're doing a small group T-day, and what they see is what they get! :-) Yes, the border issue IS going to blow up, it's a matter of time!