Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Yes I know I have been a slacker where posts here are concerned.  But I got nothin' and rather than bore you with drivel I have refrained from trying to put something up.

The wife was wanting to go out for a drive today but I ain't really feelin' it.  I have an eye that is bothering me.  It hurts and it itches and the lower lid twitches ever so often.  Have had this happen before but not usually this long.  

So until I get something worthy (worthier) to post.....

Happy Trails


Harry Flashman said...

Enjoy the ride. I take my wife out through the countryside a good bit, she likes to get out of the house.

Maybe you have a mote in your eye. I don't know what a mote is, I just remember it being the title of a book.....

Old NFO said...

You're still looking down at the daisies! THAT is a good thing!