Saturday, September 23, 2017

Fall Cleaning

Yes, we are hard at it, trying to get things squared away and cleaned up around the homestead.  Since we will be hosting a gathering of family and friends for Son #2 and his new bride we want things to be more presentable than they usually are.  Even if we weren't hosting we needed to get busy with a few things anyway.  It doesn't take long for things to get somewhat out of hand for two people that would rather do other things than clean house.  Oh don't get me wrong, we do clean house but we don't do the deep clean thing that often.

We also had been having a problem with ants.  You think you have cleaned up after yourself when you eat, but you find out pretty quick just how thorough you were.  One little almost invisible crumb would get swarmed by ants.  When things get dry around here, some bugs start coming inside looking for water.  I think that is what has happened with the ants.  It has happened before and it hasn't been as big an issue as it has this time.  So, we started the deep clean and moving items around in order for me to spray insecticide inside.  I don't like using it inside but nothing else has been working.  One of our concerns about using a pesticide is the effects on our fur baby, Buster.  Since he lays around on the floor I worry about him getting some of the residue on him.  So I use it sparingly and very seldom if ever inside.  I don't even use it much outside.  This time around I was using a fine mist to apply and forgot to turn off the ceiling fans.  It wasn't too long before I was feeling light headed.  The fans were blowing the mist around too much and I was breathing it in.  SMH.  I'm still alive.

The wife has also been trying to thin out some of her 'beads' and jewelry making supplies.  She has been at it for several days.  I can't really see a dent in anything she has done but I know she has been hauling stuff out.  You would have to see all the beads and supplies she has to understand.  No, it's not a hoarder level type thing.  More may have to go if she never goes back to the resort.  Not sure how she will dispose of it, there is a lot of money tied up in that stuff.  I am sure she will come up with a plan to sell it to her jewelry making friends or something.  Actually she has never said anything about getting rid of any of it.  It's just me thinking that and you know how that would probably go over.

Sat in on a 'webinar' for medicare yesterday.  I have to register for that in the next few months.  I was a little surprised by some things.  Most of all the premium I will have to pay monthly.  It will be an added expense that I thought would be offset by the changes to my current insurance.  Nope, not even close.  We need to figure out some things in that regard.   

Happy Trails


Old NFO said...

Yeah, they're after water, and yes, Medicare IS going to hit the pocket book!

Harry Flashman said...

I'm converting to Medicare as well. In our case, we had regular insurance through the teachers retirement system. It looks like converting will actually give us better coverage and cost us a bit less than we were paying for the retirement insurance. But I am still thrashing it all out, so "it ain't over til it's over."