Saturday, November 2, 2019


The tree guys finished just like he said he would.  I was skeptical since there was so much left to do.  But he and his crew threw it into overdrive and knocked it out.  I am very impressed with what they did.  Even though it was a great expense I believe it was well earned and now all these trees (35-40 of them, all oaks) look better than they ever have.  Here are a few before and after shots.  The pictures don't come near doing it justice.  One issue was that the before pics were done in complete cloud cover, the after pics brilliant sun and it sorta blows out the pics.  But now you can sere sunshine on the grass underneath where you couldn't before.

I know it's really hard to tell but there was a huge lot of limbs and at least 4 trees taken out.  The wife is thrilled and that's really all that matters.  Today I will cut up some of the  wood left for firewood and stack it.  They almost forgot to leave me some.  

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Looking good! And I'm sure that is a load off your plate!