Monday, July 29, 2019

Warning, My Opinion

This may get me a hand slap or even banned, but I still believe in the first amendment and can express my opinion no matter how unpopular.  So be forewarned that this isn't PC at all and is just my opinion.

I have had these thoughts in my mind for a couple decades or more.  I believe that in that time, it has gotten even more true and gas solidified my thoughts.

I was listening to the radio in the car a few days ago and various things popped into my mind.  Sometimes that’s a good thing, others, not so much.  I will let you decide where this post falls. 
I believe that men, (white men in particular) have lost their way.  They have been attacked for decades for just being white.  It is even more intense than when I remember it in the early stages.  Consequently they have stopped standing up for their principals.  I believe that these attacks are to blame for that.  They have become afraid to be labeled with the ‘R’ word among others, but the ‘R’ word is where it started.  So they will cave to those that make those claims just to prove they aren’t what they are being accused of, a racist.  (or intolerant or add your won of many catch words of the day)
I believe this started in the early to mid 60’s.  If you’re old enough, I assume you still remember the race riots.  It seemed every news cast had videos of the riots.  I also believe this began a major shift in our attitudes about race.  I grew up seeing the racism my kind had for others.  I also saw it begin to abate or at least covered up to where it wasn’t so obvious, you know, tolerance.  Yes, I know my view will be different from those that were on the other end.  I am just giving my perspective and what I lived through. 
The ‘R’ word began to be thrown around about that time.  No one wanted to be known for that or labeled that way.  So they began to go overboard with their dealings with those that were discriminated against.(This is a generalization)  I remember not being hired at several national companies because I was the wrong color.  It was all part of the EEO (equal employment opportunity program).  It made no difference if you were more qualified.  We complained to ourselves but lived with it and found other jobs.  We didn’t wallow in our anger.  Some will say it was justice, some will say it was reverse racism.  It’s just the way it was.

I also believe that starting with my generation (the Baby Boomers) racism declined a great deal.  We were probably the first generation in America that was truly less racist than any before.  I know my kids were raised to accept all as equal and on their own merits.  Things continued to get better.  Was it completely gone?  No, I’m not that blind.  I saw racism extended toward good friends.  It broke my heart.  Before the previous president ‘changed’ things, we had come so far with racism and discrimination.  We(our country) were less racist than at any time in our history.  Before that guy, there is no way I would believe we were as racist as things are today.  He is to blame for most of that today.  He divided us.  Why?  I know that answer, he hated America.  The best way to defeat your enemy is to divide them.

Today, we have all sorts of groups and SJW’s throwing the ‘R’ word around when they see something they don’t like, whether it makes sense or not.  Let’s just throw this out and see if it sticks.   Someone was paying attention to that earlier time and saw how well throwing that word around worked.  It has worked in other forms too.  Intolerant was the big word just a decade ago or shorter.  You don’t hear that much anymore.  It was used by every splinter group around to get attention.  It was just another way to try and get something they wanted that had either been illegal or immoral for centuries before.  It evolved into the PC movement.  Everything you would say, see or do was all politically incorrect.  Again, just another way to go against the things they didn’t like.  It made no difference if it was still illegal or considered immoral.  And it worked.  Now look at the things that have become acceptable that were never talked about before or even imagined, and if it offends your moral sense, then YOU are the problem. 

Now we have come full circle and if someone doesn’t agree with you on moral grounds etc. you’re racist.  It makes no difference if race is involved or not.  That word is getting thrown about without care.  And it gets attention and airplay with the media.  It is nothing less that ETHNIC CLEANSING without the violence that is most often associated with that.  But when you go to the well too often, it seems to lose its luster.  I believe the true America is beginning to see the things they use to get their way for what they are.  There is a strong undercurrent growing.  I say, stand for your principles and let them call you whatever they may.   Wrong, and immoral (sin of you will) is still wrong and immoral no matter what name you call it.  

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Don't disagree at all... sigh