Friday, July 26, 2019

It Could Be A Lot Worse.

I saw that somehow I had a blank post.  Not sure what happened.  I had a post almost complete and hit something and it went away, everything.  Tried again and same thing.  Not sure what I am hitting while I type that causes it.  Tried again and got a few lines down and just decided to not post.  I assume that the blank post was part of all that.  So I try again.  I doubt I will remember much of anything I was posting so this is all new.

Things are just not going the way I want them to.  My brother came to the realization no one had access to my parent's bank accounts other than my parents.  Mom had added he and I to one account then closed it a few months later.  She wanted to add us to her other accounts also but it all got forgotten.  This was a big deal to her at the time.  In case something happened to them, she wanted us to be able to pay for things they might need, such as health care or a facility of some sort.  My brother called to see if I wanted to go with him and Mom to get this done ASAP.  The stress Mom is putting herself under is taking it's toll.  She thinks she has had a small stroke.  If something happened to her, we wouldn't be able to pay to keep the care continuing for Dad.  He was in a rush.  That all got taken care of yesterday.  So that is a relief.  Mom still hasn't come to the realization she needs to get him better care, full time.  Not just the couple hours in the morning and evening.  She was not having any of that when my brother told her that she needed to get him onto a facility.  I don't know what will be the final straw.

'K's' foot is doing really well she is walking around without the walker quite a bit more.  This is very encouraging after all that she has gone through.  She still gets plenty sore but is careful not to do too much.  We don't see the doc until early August.  Not sure what comes next.  Maybe he changes this inflatable cast to some other boot and add the physical therapy he says will be needed.  We are trying to do this by the book so we don't have any setbacks.

I had planed to go be with my cousin that is having surgery for cancer on his pancreas this morning and then take 'K' with me to Mom's to sit with Dad while Mom ran some errands and give her a break.  I woke up with my stomach doing flip flops and low grade fever.  I have had this fever off and on for three days.  No other symptoms other than my usual aches and pains.  I figured it best not to expose my cousin to whatever I may have and same for Mom and Dad.  

I have been power washing the front of the house to remove the mildew and dirt that has caked up over the years.  I used to do this regularly.  The older I have gotten, I put off tasks like this more and more and eventuality just forget about them.  A lot of that is because of the aches and pains, they deter my desire to do things like that more and more.  However I got this done and I was pretty happy with how it looks now.  I thought we needed the house painted as it's been twelve years since I painted it and it was looking like it needed it.  Now that it has been power washed I see that the paint is still in good shape.  So I can put off that expense for a year or two.  I will have it done the next time.  

There's more whining I could do but I'll stop for now.  It could be a lot worse.

Happy trails.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Hang in there my friend. And yes, getting y'all on the accounts IS a good thing!