Saturday, December 22, 2018


Since Buster, my fur buddy and protector, has gotten a bit feeble in his old age he isn't quite the watch dog he used to be.  We don't let him out the back anymore as he can't go up or down the steps.  We take him out the front where there are very low steps and only two.  We do this on a leash multiple time a day.  No more letting him out to do his thing on his own.  He has also gotten quite deaf.  He no longer even hears the UPS man walk up on the front porch or even ring the doorbell.  

Yesterday I took him out and we went around the back so I could let him off the leash.  He will sniff around his former domain and roll in the grass and maybe even eat some grass.  Just doing dog stuff in familiar territory.  It perks him up.  When we left to go out the gate he was all excited (for him) and was pulling the leash and trying to run a little, very little, and little leaps.  It's great to see him feeling so good.  That little moment distracted me enough I forgot to close the gate.  I never gave it another thought.  Until this morning on his first trip out to do his business.  I noticed the gate was open and knew right away what I had done.  

We continued on with our little walk out by the street and I noticed that there may be a couple scoundrels in the backyard.  So we made our way back down to the open gate to see what was up.  I counted five of these scoundrels.  Then another, and another and another.  Eight of these pooping everywhere, eat every living thing in sight Does.  They had found the gate open, or one did and called all her friends.  They ate all the decorative plants my wife loves.  There weren't many and they are cheap, so we will replace them.  All those deer resistant plants they tell you to get, no such thing.  If they are hungry enough they will eat anything.  Except purple sage, ceniza.  That is the only shrub/plant they totally avoid.  Oh and Rosemary.  They eat the heck out of Lantana, one of the deer resistant plants like it's candy.  Especially the blooms

Buster and I gradually made our way around them and gently herded them back out the gate.  I was afraid one or two would get really frightened, like I have seen them do, and run hard into the fence.  but that didn't happen.  The stayed pretty calm and found the open gate right off.

Buster is now enjoying his first morning nap knowing he did a good job doing what he is supposed to do.  

Happy Trails

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Good for Buster! And yes, they WILL eat damn near anything... sigh